Driving RHD is not that different from driving LHD. Anybody who tells you it's dangerous, and difficult, and crap like that has obviously never tried to drive a RHD vehicle for a day or two.
Things to look out for that I've found:
1. Lane position. If youre used to driving a LHD vehicle, and drive a RHD vehicle, you'll tend to be too far left in the lane. You'll adjust pretty quickly though (like an afternoon tops)
2. Highway passing. It's difficult to see around vehicles to pass on 2 lane highways. Simple solution, look out on the shoulder.
3. Turning RIGHT into traffic (atleast with the A70). Sometimes it's difficult to properly see the traffic across the car, especially with a passenger. You just have to be more consious of teh traffic, and make damn sure you know there's nobody coming.
Left hand turns are not an issue. I don't know why people think it's hard.
Signals are on the opposite side of the steering wheel, but you'll get used to this VERY fast with a 5-speed, as your left hand will be busy with the shifter, your right hand wil naturally signal.
the shifter pattern, and pedal position are the same. You're just on the other side of the shifter. It's no easier or harder shifting on the other side, trust me. I can shift pretty damn fast at the strip.
One thing I prefer with the RHD though, I'm right handed. Keeping your dominant hand on the steering wheel at all times is a big plus.
Drive throughs and stuff like that are a non-issue. You can undo your seat belt, and reach across your damn car.
Things to look out for that I've found:
1. Lane position. If youre used to driving a LHD vehicle, and drive a RHD vehicle, you'll tend to be too far left in the lane. You'll adjust pretty quickly though (like an afternoon tops)
2. Highway passing. It's difficult to see around vehicles to pass on 2 lane highways. Simple solution, look out on the shoulder.
3. Turning RIGHT into traffic (atleast with the A70). Sometimes it's difficult to properly see the traffic across the car, especially with a passenger. You just have to be more consious of teh traffic, and make damn sure you know there's nobody coming.
Left hand turns are not an issue. I don't know why people think it's hard.
Signals are on the opposite side of the steering wheel, but you'll get used to this VERY fast with a 5-speed, as your left hand will be busy with the shifter, your right hand wil naturally signal.
the shifter pattern, and pedal position are the same. You're just on the other side of the shifter. It's no easier or harder shifting on the other side, trust me. I can shift pretty damn fast at the strip.
One thing I prefer with the RHD though, I'm right handed. Keeping your dominant hand on the steering wheel at all times is a big plus.
Drive throughs and stuff like that are a non-issue. You can undo your seat belt, and reach across your damn car.