grsupra87;1987126 said:
Wait, that FB warning is for This thread was started by Retro-Spec. Are you the same?
Thanks for bringing that up, let me clarify this because it seams there is some confusion..
our company name is retro-spec, we have been in the composite business for more then 12 years making private label and our own product lines. i im personally an enthusiast that loves cars in general but have a sweet spot for older cars, that's how we founded retro-spec, i bought myself a mk3 supra and started making cool parts for it that nobody had. I registered on SUPRAMANIA in 2009 and became a vendor a little after that, under retro-spec i happily conducted business in that community for almost 2 years. After that I merged with a company called c7carbon At the time it seemed like the right thing to do, after signing into the merge and working together for a bit I removed myself from that company due to differences in management, it cost me all my molds and whatever Retro-spec was now for, I have slowly started rebuilding my company and started making parts again for several platforms a lot of people associate us to C7carbon because we share some products (from the molds we lost) I want to make it clear that I’m not affiliated in any way with C7CARBON actually we are fierce competitors.
we are currently a small 3 man operation and you get the information from the owner.
all of our parts are made to order since its the only way we can survive under the current market conditions, we are growing constantly and always trying to improve.
for a faster response on this or any subject you can try our email,
of our facebook page retro-spec.
Thanks, Paulo.