I've got the Honeywell sensor on its way, so I should be able to mock up and test things over the next few weeks. I'm going to send 3pi a message with hopes that he can provide some insight into what voltage the stock vr sensor puts out to give me an idea of how I need to modify the settings in the aem. The sensor I selected has an output of 50v p/p at 1000 in/sec, with a minimum speed of 15 in/s (I.e. Has a stable output down to 150 rpm). The od of the sensor is also 9.5mm, which should fit the available space perfectly. The chisel tip should also give a clean signal with a tooth of similar length. From all the reading I've done, all I'll really have to modify are the crank sensor sensitivity settings as a 12-tooth crank wheel mimics the 24 tooth cam wheel perfectly.
All documentation states that the aem v1 is designed around 12 crank teeth, so as I'm sticking with the aem v1 for the time being, this should do the trick.
One question I do have for those that have had the crank trigger already installed, how do you align the cam and crank sensors? I believe I've read that the cam signal has to occur out of sync with the crank signal. Is this correct?
Also, I didn't say it before, but thanks Limbodk for the write-up and photos, they definitely helped.
All documentation states that the aem v1 is designed around 12 crank teeth, so as I'm sticking with the aem v1 for the time being, this should do the trick.
One question I do have for those that have had the crank trigger already installed, how do you align the cam and crank sensors? I believe I've read that the cam signal has to occur out of sync with the crank signal. Is this correct?
Also, I didn't say it before, but thanks Limbodk for the write-up and photos, they definitely helped.
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