Reputable car shop to install Viper 5901 alarm in Sydney


night ryda
Dec 7, 2010
Sydney, Australia, Australia


Oct 7, 2010
Fairfield, CA
If you're any good with wiring, it's pretty simple to install yourself...everything either goes to the ignition harness or into the body electronics junction in the driver's kick panel (with pre-89 wiring, some things are a little different). I'd have done some more research; the same brain used in the expensive Viper units is used in other brands...UNGO/Clarion and AVital come to mind, and it's all Directed Electronics Inc. supplying the base unit and relay satellites. I picked up both of mine with similar functions (4 aux channels, "1-mile" radius *depends on antenna install*, remote start) for about $150 each.

The Supra install was cake, just pull the drivers seat, under dash panels, shifter/radio surround, cluster, and the clutch pedal and you'll have access to everything you need. Getting some of the body plugs off that giant block down there can be difficult at first, though. What I did, which made it much easier to route and tap into wires, was group everything off the unit into sub-harnesses before putting it in the car based on where it goes to. Also, if your car is manual, no shop will install the remote start portion, as it's a liability for them. You can, however, pull the clutch switch off its harness entirely, and jump the two wires that go to it together. Just make sure that you hook up the remote start switch (to disable it for service) and the ground connector for it to something clever; I hooked mine up to my parking brake light after reversing the polarity with a relay, such that it will only remote start if the brake is set (I never park in gear anyways).

Edit: saw you already bought the viper. I have the same 5901 brain, it's amazing.


night ryda
Dec 7, 2010
Sydney, Australia, Australia
Bleakvoid;1752536 said:
If you're any good with wiring, it's pretty simple to install yourself...everything either goes to the ignition harness or into the body electronics junction in the driver's kick panel (with pre-89 wiring, some things are a little different). I'd have done some more research; the same brain used in the expensive Viper units is used in other brands...UNGO/Clarion and AVital come to mind, and it's all Directed Electronics Inc. supplying the base unit and relay satellites. I picked up both of mine with similar functions (4 aux channels, "1-mile" radius *depends on antenna install*, remote start) for about $150 each.

The Supra install was cake, just pull the drivers seat, under dash panels, shifter/radio surround, cluster, and the clutch pedal and you'll have access to everything you need. Getting some of the body plugs off that giant block down there can be difficult at first, though. What I did, which made it much easier to route and tap into wires, was group everything off the unit into sub-harnesses before putting it in the car based on where it goes to. Also, if your car is manual, no shop will install the remote start portion, as it's a liability for them. You can, however, pull the clutch switch off its harness entirely, and jump the two wires that go to it together. Just make sure that you hook up the remote start switch (to disable it for service) and the ground connector for it to something clever; I hooked mine up to my parking brake light after reversing the polarity with a relay, such that it will only remote start if the brake is set (I never park in gear anyways).

Edit: saw you already bought the viper. I have the same 5901 brain, it's amazing.

WOW , thanks so much for actually taking the time to type all that. I wish I was electronically inclined , unfortunately I am not to the point of me not even attempting to install this. I'll definitely be doing to a shop to do it as I don't want to mess anything up, but question is which one and how much is the installation going to cost?

Thanks again for trying to help me through this though. Most responsive,helpful forum ever.


Oct 7, 2010
Fairfield, CA
A shop should be around 4 to 8 hours of work, perhaps less, if they do alarms/car audio regularly. Hourly rate can vary widely across a city, let alone continents, so I'd have no idea where to get it done or how much a shop would charge. Here, Best Buy has standard install included in the retail price, and you can tack on $200 USD for the advanced functions.