Well, LED is easily past the 50W range, and really, that's more light than headlights need, considering that halogen high beams are 65W, given the low lumens/watt range of halogen vs LED, there should be no need for more than 40W of power dissipation. Yes, HID is still more efficient, but those are typically 35W power dissipation. As such, LED is capable of creating as much light as is legal for use on public roads.
I just want to be sure that they use approriate power limiting, as an overcurrent fault on an LED means instant failure. Many LED automotive lamps will fail after one bad load dump from shutting off the heater fan while the engine is developing power for this reason.
(I've done a lot of stuff with DIY video projectors, and high power LEDs are a popular idea, but they still aren't up to matching a 400-1000W metal halide HID lamp. It's also amazing how many people think that LEDs don't create any heat.)