So I just replaced my head gasket on my 91 cressida. I have replaced many head gaskets on 7ms so please rule out stupidity on this. I replaced the stock head bolts with arp head studs, had my head cleaned and checked for warpage and it was within spec according to the tcrm. i cleaned the gasket surface on the block very well. then i put the head on torqued the nuts down to arp spec which is 90 ft'lb. So my situation is after I put everything back together I set the timing with just the exhaust manifold on and the exhaust blowing out looked normal(basically unseen) the day after i bolted the exhaust back on started it up and it was blowing white smoke still and smellt like burning coolant. My thought was that there was coolant sitting in the exhaust pipes and mufflers and cat and it was just burning off, after I let it run for about an hour the white was slowly starting to diminsh. Today I drained out the fresh oil that i put in right after the gasket replacement just to make sure i got out all the sludge and shit. then i put new oil in, started it up and the exhaust wasn't as white and its starting to lose its smell. So my thought here was that there was still coolant molecules in the oil and it was burning it out of the oil. is this realistic or what are your thoughts. I also pulled the o2 sensor out today and started it up and was seeing if htere was white smoke coming out of the hole but it looked invisible. so i think one of my theories is right but i just wanted some other opinions.