Okay - what part are you NOT getting? THERE ARE NO ISSUES. If there were, there would be plenty of people complaining about it. I see none. Every single person within the UK that's removed EGR has had *NO* problems. There are FOUR ECU's for the UK. Two Yellow, Two Grey. One Auto, One Manual. That's it.
All 1989 to 1992 manuals have the following part numbers:
UK 7M-GTE M/T ECU on my desk - P/N: 89661-14390.
JDM 7M-GTE M/T ECU - P/N: 89661-24100
USDM 7M-GTE M/T ECU - P/N: 89661-14030
The JDM and UK ones are virtually identical, the USDM ones are somewhat different. All the maps are the same. Only two subroutines differ - one of which is for EGR. The JDM and UK ECU's differ only in the fact that the ECU has ONE resistor different. Code is the same between the two, including the provision of the EGR subroutine. The code for the USDM EGR is DIFFERENT.
What the EGR subroutine does is tell the ECU how to compensate for the inclusion of exhaust gases into the intake charge. It calculates throttle position against engine load, switches the VSV if need be and the ECU will alter its fuelling accordingly. The difference in the code is the *degree of compensation*.
Just to clarify, i was *not* suggesting that our 95 RON is by any means 'high octane' - thats the LOWEST GRADE we have. High octane here would be considered 100+ octane. Tell me Poodles - why have an EGR subroutine working on worse case scenario 87 octane fuel, when that grade of fuel isn't EVER going to be put in the system? It's not. It works out its subroutine based on 91 octane fuel for us. As a result, timing is not as affected as yours.
My position remains the same. Remove it, the OP will see no issues. It's been done before, plenty of people have done it and suffered NO ill effects whatsoever, not even a thrown code. I've done enough research on this to warrant doing it to mine without any worry whatsoever. And yes, before you ask, i *HAVE* read through all of the posts from jetjock, read every single post from 3p14159265 on the subject (regarding the ECU) and gone through the disassembled program code in IDA.