Ill say this, while not the hardest vehicle to work on, the SUPRA can get really expensive. I've been a member on these boards for years now and have also seen people come and go. Rather than be one of those people I take my time with my SUPRA because I know it cost money. All you really need to do is read Supracentrals guide on living with an MKIII. I almost became a casualty a few years back. But rather than get all worked up and try to pawn my headaches on someone else, I decided, hey, keep the car because in a few years you'll be looking for another. I bought a beater which is really cheap to maintain and allows me to gather money to buy the things needed to keep the car living well.
Desperate people seem to be the ones clutturing the forum with the same problems over and over again, asking the old questions. "How do I make a billion horsepower for under $500?" "Why did my car overheat after I turned up the boost?" "This car suck"and finally "the partout" These guys will always be around (unfortunatley). But the few that have love will fight the good fight. And that's all I have to say about that ( forrest Gump voice) Jenny...........