leecheater;1709538 said:
Dan, your car is making a huge transformation. Looking good. Thanks for trading those bars.
No problem. Win-win for the both of us. Sucks that you are having such bad exhaust problems but at least you got a chance to really give it a go!
So I haven't done too many exciting things but progress is being made none the less. I figured since my car was hemorrhaging every type of fluid imaginable onto my belts that I should buy three new ones. Due to the Mishimoto, I figured I'd just take of the fan and clean it up a lot. Better than nothing right?
I've been trying to get my A/C working, but my wiring was all derpin. Heres what it looked like before. (Imagine immaculate soldering and heat shrink tube after :icon_bigg).

I don't know if my compressor is good though. When I got everything hooked up nothing really happened. I'm pretty sure the compressor clutch isn't engaging due to lack of freon but I'm not sure. I might be looking for a new compressor.
I picked up a battery tie down strap from driftmotion and I got a new set of battery terminals because my old ones were pretty horrible:

I also visited Emilio and stopped by suprasport to pick up a set of swaybar endlinks. They are pretty sweet and were the last step before I had my car aligned fully.
I have a friend who lives in Canon Falls (MN) who may be able to check my A/C system for leaks and he has a bunch of r12 too. Hopefully I can get some of it.