I have a recirc fitting on my '89 for my HKS SSQV. It gets rid of the riceboy whistle, and lets the air out through a 1" fitting. I fit an angular hose I found at a parts store back to the turbo intake, like stock. This works great for the 60-1 turbo.
The '90 has a Greddy style BOV, also with a recirc fitting, and it going back to the accordian hose. This is a knockoff though, and I don't think that it's working like I really want, I get some compressor surge sound, however I haven't adjusted it myself yet.
So the aftermarket BOVs have ways to make them recirculate, and not cause you the problems that vent to atmosphere will. It seems to be accepted that the Bosch BPV flows more than stock, but I've never seen numbers to back that up. I'd put my bets on a recirc fitting for the aftermarket valve myself.