Recipe Thread.


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
I can has updates? YES I CAN HAS UPDATES! :D

First we'll start off with yesterdays dinner:


Thats carbonara al funghi with cheesy garlic bread. Basically, fry off some mushrooms on a low heat in a pan with some garlic and olive oil, add a pinch of salt and some coarse ground black pepper, add the ham, cook it until its nice and soft and the ham has a slight brown edging on it. Then, once its finished, drain off any excess oil, add single cream and some parmesan (i use freeze dried), to make a thick-ish sauce (not too thick). Then add that to the freshly boiled pasta of your choice :D

For the garlic bread, i use the pre-cook baguettes, slice them down the middle, cover them with garlic butter (i make my own, 4oz of butter, two large cloves of garlic, large pinch of parsley) and then top them with cheese, i find oddly enough, that gouda works the best. Thinly sliced, of course.

Then we move on to this:


This is made entirely of left-overs from the fridge. I had three chicken breasts, some broccoli and a few boiled potato's. I cooked the chicken breast in a pan with a pinch of salt and some butter, diced it and added it to a pyrex dish along with the broccoli and the potato's. Then i made a cheese sauce from scratch (butter, flour, single cream, cheddar cheese, teaspoon of english mustard). Pour the cheese sauce over the broccoli, potato and chicken and then grate some cheese over the top. Stick in an oven til golden brown on top ;)

This last one, i did this evening:


This was made with one of those tubes of ready roll pizza still makes me jump when you're half way through opening it and it just goes BANG! :D

Toppings are: fresh chopped mushrooms (portobello), green pepper, diced ham, chicken, emmental and mozzarella.....i just had a slice, i have 4 left. Who wants one? ;)

And mike, sorry i didnt make the pics smaller...i cant figure out how to make a clickable thumbnail :/


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
Goddamn everything on this page so far looks good. I am dieting, and you are killing me. My mouth literally watered when I looked at that pizza.


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
This thread is awesome :icon_eek:

Kai- your last post looks tasty and I usually don't talk about foods that way AFTER eating, which I just did.
I shall read details on how to make all the pictures on this page...when I am less full. Thank you :) hehe

Other posts look good too!
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The Pretty Doward
Jan 25, 2008
Alachua, FL
Sorry, no pics to go with mine, but two of my own to share.

First, for the pizza fans. I stole this when I delivered pizzas for Snappy Tomato Pizza, altered it slightly, and haven't found another restaurant yet that can/will duplicate it.

I like the pre-made wheat dough pizza crusts, but you can use whatever you prefer.
Coat with ranch dressing (that's right, no spaghetti sauce!!).
Layer on mozzarella cheese.
Add the following in this order:
sliced cherry tomatoes
chopped onion
chopped bell pepper
chunks of ham (you can chop your own, or get the packaged salad ham)
bacon bits
Add another thin layer of mozzarella.
Bake at 400 for about 20 minutes.

Next is a chicken recipe, it's easy to make, even though it sounds time-consuming.
You'll need:
1 chicken breast for each person you are feeding (skinless/boneless)
1/2 to 1 cup milk (more or less depending on amount of chicken breasts)
Vegetable oil
Italian breading/bread crumbs
mozzarella cheese
Bertolli pasta sauce (once more, you can use what you prefer, but this is my favorite :) I like the tomato and basil, or the rosemary blend for this recipe)
Spaghetti or Angel Hair Pasta
Spices/herbs to taste (I make my own "Italian Seasoning," but generally oregano, rosemary, basil, thyme, salt and fresh pepper are the basics)

Preheat oven to 350
Dip chicken in milk, then coat with breadcrumbs
Cook in oil over medium heat until breading is golden brown
Place chicken breasts on paper towels to drain off excess oil
Place sauce in bottom of a casserole pan
Put chicken in sauce
Spoon a little sauce on top of each chicken breast
Sprinkle with spices/herbs
Coat liberally with mozzarella cheese
Bake at 350 for approximately 30 minutes, or until cheese is bubbly and golden brown
While chicken is baking, boil pasta to suit tastes



Boosted member
Jul 5, 2006
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
kwnate;781786 said:
Is that a toilet seat? Looks like a pile of shit. Enjoy!

Kraft mac n cheese

Boil the water.
Add the noodles to the water.
Boil until they're done.
Add 1/4 cup butter and 1/4 cup milk.
Add the powdered cheese.


If you want some interesting KD, a small bit of tuna, some brown sugar, and teriyaki sauce.

That's my "Shit, I have 15 minutes to make some dinner that isn't waffles or cereal" meal.

Maybe there needs to be the "Poor college student recipe thread" too :)


Supra-less :(
May 30, 2006
long branch
Gotta try this one! me and my dad invented it. Its called dinosaur chicken

Throw some precut chicken breast strips in a pan of boiling water. Make sure the water doesnt cover the chicken. turn it every once in a while to make sure the exposed parts are cooked

Add this on top of the chicken and in the water after the chicken looks done
Lots of:
franks red hot sauce
BBq sauce
tabasco sauce
taco bell fire and hot sauce(about 2-3 each per piece of chicken)

A little of
Soy sauce
salt and peper

Add to salad, sandwhiches, eat it plain, whatever. Its awesome!


"Fudge you, butthole!"
Sep 4, 2005
It's been a while since someone posted... gee, I always feel bad reviving old threads but...

I got a recipe for Chicken Fettuccine
(for 2)

6-8 slices of bacon, crispy
2-3 bl, sl chicken breast, cut into pieces
1 bundle green onions, chopped
1 cup mushrooms, chopped
1 cup cream
1/2 - 1 cup parmesan

Fry bacon until brown and crispy. Chop it up and put aside. Cut the chicken into pieces, fry them in butter (yes, butter), add spices (I usually use garlic, salt, pepper, parsley). Add green onions and mushrooms. Fry for a couple of minutes. Add cream to chicken. Bring to a boil, then turn down the heat. Add cheese (whichever amount you prefer), stir. Let simmer for another couple of minutes. Turn off heat, add bacon, stir and serve with pasta.



Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
I don't care how old this thread is. It's food. so i'm cool with it.

and mouth kinda started watering all over again when I saw kai's food pics... man. then you mention chicken fettuccine with bacon and oh........MAN.

maybe i'm not cool with it. now i'm hungry and it's 1am and I have to sleep. bah!


"Fudge you, butthole!"
Sep 4, 2005
Here is a pretty easy one... it's called 7 Layer Dinner

potatoes, sliced
onions, sliced
carrots, sliced
1 can of tomato soup
garlic sausage, cut into pieces and fried

In a roasting pan layer potatoes, garlic, onions, carrots, rice and peas. Sprinkle each layer with salt and pepper. Prepare tomato soup (dilute with water if needed or wanted), add ketchup, paprika and parsley. Pour over layers. Bake in oven at 350 for 90 minutes. Add fried garlic sausage as last layer and sprinkle cheese on top. Bake another 30 minutes. Enjoy.


Also, a recipe for a quick pasta meal.

1 onion, chopped
2 stalks celery, chopped
garlic sausage, chopped
sauerkraut (or peas or peppers, really most veggies go with it)

In frying pan fry onions and celery in some oil until tender. Add sausage and garlic and fry until sausage has a nice brownish color. Add water so that ingredients in pan are nicely covered. Now add ketchup. You are looking for a nice red color and we also wanna thicken the water a lil. Bring to a boil. Turn down the heat once it's boiling. Now add sauerkraut (couple tbsp.), spices and herbs. Let simmer for at least 30 minutes. You can choose whether you wanna cook your pasta on the side in an extra pot or just throw it into the pan with everything else. Both works fine. If you throw the pasta in with the rest, obviously cook until pasta is al dente. Sprinkle with cheese. Enjoy.
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"Fudge you, butthole!"
Sep 4, 2005
Let's have something german too: Rouladen

4 rouladen
those small crunchy pickles, sliced
1 onion, sliced... one half sliced, one half cut up
mustard (i like the sweet german style mustard)
1-2 carrots, sliced
1-2 celery stalks, sliced
some tooth picks or thread

Preparation: Slice onion and pickles, so that they will nicely fit onto the meat. Have tooth picks/ thread ready to go.

Take the meat, sprinkle a decent amount of salt and pepper on one side. Cover that same side with mustard (a good thin layer). Put a few slices of onion and pickles in one corner. Roll meat up from the side that has the onion and pickles on it. Stuff it with tooth picks until it holds together well but you also need to be able to fry it nicely (practice makes perfect ;) ). Repeat with the rest of the meat.
In frying pan, heat oil. Put rouladen into it. Fry each side on high heat until very dark brown, almost black. Add cut up onions, celery and carrots as well as garlic (oil if needed), fry some more until veggies are nice and brown. (Watch the amount of liquid in the pan, we need the veggies and meat to fry and get that nice brown color.) Now add water, about a cup at least. Bring to a boil. Add spices and herbs to taste. Let simmer for a couple of hours til meat almost falls apart.
If you do this the first time and your gravy tastes like nothing (happened to me) you can cheat and use some beef broth for the gravy.

Note: Some recipes ask for speck, which in this case is the fat from like bacon or ham. I don't like it so I don't use it. If you wanna try it goes in with the pickles and onions before the meat is rolled up.

This is how it should look like before it goes into the pan:

And that is after its done:

(tho mine never look that perfect, lol)
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Obsessed with photography
Feb 27, 2008
St Louis, MO
Here’s one of my personal recipes that I developed a few years ago. The recipe is for a fresh lemon glaze cake. You may think this recipe is a lot of work, but believe me when I say it’s worth the effort if you like citrus-flavored desserts…

Before you get started on anything else, you’ll first need to grate the rind of 3-4 (fairly large) fresh lemons. Once they’ve been grated, you’ll need to squeeze the juice from these lemons. When squeezing the juice from the lemons, I recommend draining it through a strainer to remove all the pulp and seeds from the juiced lemons. Once you’ve done this, cover and refrigerate the juice and rind for a little while until you’re ready to use it in the rest of the recipe.

For the cake itself, start by sifting the following ingredients into a medium-sized bowl:
*2 ¼ level cups of flour
*4 level TSP of baking powder
*1 level TSP of salt
Mix these together using a spatula that you’ll only use for the dry ingredients, cover the mixture, and set it off to the side...

Next, you’ll move on to the moist ingredients:
*Start by softening ¼ cup of butter in a large mixing bowl until it can be whipped. Once the butter is whipped, move on to the rest of the ingredients. Keep in mind that every time you add something else, you’ll need to mix it in. I prefer mixing things by hand, but an electric mixer should to the trick as well…
*Add 1 ½ level cups of sugar
*Add 2 large eggs
*Add 2 TBSP of the fresh lemon juice you squeeze previously
*Add 2 TSP of the fresh lemon rind you grated previously

Next, measure out one cup of milk. Start mixing in the dry, sifted ingredients a little at a time, alternating them with small amounts of the cup of milk.

Once the dry and moist ingredients are mixed together, pour the mixture into a greased and floured 13”x9” cake pan. Bake the cake at 350F for about 30 minutes, or until a toothpick, cake tester, etc. comes out clean. Once the cake is done, remove it from the oven and let it cool. Once cooled, poke numerous holes into the top of the cake with a cooking fork or whatever, and cut the cake into serving-size pieces…

Now comes the lemon glaze:
Into a medium saucepan, put
*3/8 cup of butter
*3/4 level cup of sugar
*1/8 cup of water
*1/8 cup of fresh lemon juice
*3 TSP of fresh lemon rind
Stir this mixture until it boils in the saucepan. Once it starts boiling, let it boil for 90 seconds without stirring it. Immediately remove the finished glaze mixture from the stove, and immediately pour it over the cooled cake. Typically, I make twice as much lemon glaze as the recipe calls for, just to make sure that every piece is completely and evenly coated…but whether or not you do this is completely up to you. At any rate, you’ll need to once again cool the cake after you’ve poured on the glaze.

The result should be a sweet but somewhat tart lemon glaze cake with a fresh lemon flavor. As I said, this recipe might seem like a lot of work, but everyone I know who’s tried it loves it…try it and you’ll see why…

I'll be happy to post more dessert recipes if anyone's intereted...keep in mind, though, that I basically make everything "from scratch"...


"Fudge you, butthole!"
Sep 4, 2005
I got 2 trees full of apples and one full of pears (tho most of them have fallen to the ground now :( ), do you have any good recipes for that???

I'm all for dessert especially if it includes lemon or chocolate :) .... hmmmm, chocolate. So yeah, keep'em coming!


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
Okay, i thought it about time to update this thread with two more of my creations....


I started off by shallowfrying some slices of courgette (zucchini?) in olive oil, then added two chopped onions, one clove of garlic and sweating them off. Then, i sliced up two fresh tomatoes, added a big handful of parsley, two sliced chicken breast fillets, a whole chorizo sausage, some tomato puree, a dessertspoon of paprika and a half a tin of chickpeas. Left it to cook for about 3 hours and then served it on couscous which had been lightly seasoned and given a knob of butter for good measure....mmmmm....going to make this tonight i think!


This was sooooo easy. Chicken & Ham Pie. lots of cheating was used.

Get ready roll pastry, line a tin. Make the filling by making a basic roux (butter, flour, milk) and add a little nutmeg (trust me, it works), a pinch of salt and some cubed ham. take some cooked chicken breast and slice it up nice and chunky, and add to the ham/roux. the roux will thicken, so loosen it up with a little more milk or cream (your arteries, your choice!), and then add to the pastry case. Use the leftover pastry to decorate the top in a lattice. Cook in an oven on Gas Mark 7 for approximately 15 to 20 minutes!


Throttle happy teenager..
Oct 14, 2008
Norfolk VA
dam, subscribed.
I'm enrolled in culinary arts.
i love this thread already.

first recipe.
this recipe is from working in a broke ass crab shack in VA Beach all summer.
with my own twist, especially good many pastas and then baking or broiling the pasta with the scallops and shrimp on top with cheese.

Seared scallops and shrimp

Saute and melt butter, equal amount of olive oil, fresh finely chopped garlic, fresh cilantro chopped, reasonable amount of lemon juice with a pinch o lemon zest, soy sauce, texas pete, and crab boil( Ceyanne pepper, crushed red pepper, kosher salt, dijon mustard, granulated garlic, seasoned salt).

Fry till the shrimp edges curl if it was peeled and deviened and done, and the scallops till browned on each side "searing"

keep in mind at higher heats for searing, shrimp take a very short time to cook and the scallops take longer than the shrimp.

then add to a dish, or make it a dish.