Recalibrating stock guages


Jun 21, 2007
Well i had my guage cluster out of the car and the clear plastic shield was off of it. My friend decieded to fuck with my cluster and he gave me a full tank of gas, at 160mph, at 8500rpm :: angry ::. Well low and behold my guages are fucked up when the are in. I put a full tank of gas in and put and let the sender move the needle, then I just put it back at full and its ok at best now. Tach is off by the most. Is there any procedure to recalibrating the guages? Or i just got to pull the needles and try my best to put them at the right spot?


New Member
Feb 3, 2007
Oconomowoc, Wi
None of them are Key'ed in any way. They should slide off or turn on the metal shaft they are on if pushed past their extent. I "zero-ed" my tach with this method. Works fine :)


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
1. Slap 'friend'.
2. Lather
3. Rinse
4. Repeat

Borrow or rent a timing gun that reads RPM. Run engine, read RPM from timing gun, mess with needle until it matches.

Drive behind a buddy's car at an agreed speed. Mess with speedo needle until it matches speed.

Please do not mess with the needles while the car is moving. I know it's far more inconvenient to stop, mess with them, and then go again to test, but it's also the difference between taking an early dirt nap wearing a wooden shirt and living a long life enjoying everything the world has to offer.
GrimJack;1611842 said:
1. Slap 'friend'.
2. Lather
3. Rinse
4. Repeat

Borrow or rent a timing gun that reads RPM. Run engine, read RPM from timing gun, mess with needle until it matches.

Drive behind a buddy's car at an agreed speed. Mess with speedo needle until it matches speed.

Please do not mess with the needles while the car is moving. I know it's far more inconvenient to stop, mess with them, and then go again to test, but it's also the difference between taking an early dirt nap wearing a wooden shirt and living a long life enjoying everything the world has to offer.

keep in mind that this method won't work without completing steps 1-4, they are essential and your friend must come to terms with that.