rebuilt 7M, no start


New Member
Apr 14, 2011
mankato, mn
I recently bought a roller 89 supra turbo with no engine, i picked up a rebuilt 7M with a W58 i just put the engine in the bay. all the connectors plug in nicely except im trying to figure out why my engine wont crank. I'm thinking its the neutral safetly switch. so i grabbed the original shaft shift and plugged it in, and still no start. Im also confused on this connector with a plastic cover that looks like a main power wire for the starter or alternator. When its connected to the alternator, everything seems normal but no start. When its connected to the starter, i get a buzzing sound from a (i think) relay from the passenger side of the engine bay. Can someone give me some suggestions please? thank you.

I recently bought a roller 89 supra turbo with no engine, i picked up a rebuilt 7M with a W58 i just put the engine in the bay. all the connectors plug in nicely except im trying to figure out why my engine wont crank. I'm thinking its the neutral safety switch. so i grabbed the original auto shifter and plugged it in, and still no start. Im also confused on this connector with a plastic cover that looks like a main power wire for the starter or alternator. When its connected to the alternator, everything seems normal but no start. When its connected to the starter, i get a buzzing sound from a (i think) relay from the passenger side of the engine bay. i took a pic of my starter connection and the mystery cable.View attachment 52048View attachment 52048View attachment 52049


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2005
Pictures would help of the connector, but yes, it sounds like your touching the alternator wire to the battery... no.
Check to make sure you plugged the solenoid trigger wire into the starter, and that both pos. and neg. cables are tight at both the battery and the block/ starter.


Regular Supramaniac
May 11, 2006
Fairly certain that "mystery cable" is the ground strap to the engine block...

I haven't messed around in that area in a few years, so you might want to double check that you don't already have a large gauge wire bolted to the side of the block.

might explain why the starter isn't working.


New Member
Apr 14, 2011
mankato, mn
i just traced both wires coming from the positive and negatives leads from the battery. The mystery cable comes right off the positive terminal on the battery. Can anyone take a picture of their alternator connections?


Oct 11, 2007
Very hard to tell from your pics but it looks like you have the ECU ground hooked up to the starter positive terminal! :yikes:

That bunch of wires on the eyelet needs to be bolted to the intake manifold, and you need a big positive cable coming directly from B+ to the starter stud. That should be the only wire bolted on that copper stud of the starter.


New Member
May 19, 2010
Milwaukee, WI
i believe that goes to the battery and its gives the power to the starter. Make sure it lays flat on the terminal connector and is on tight. I had that under the main power connector, it didnt get a good connection and it would just buzz when i tried to start it.

maybe thats it?


Dang Dude! No Way Man.
Staff member
Apr 17, 2007
1. From the battery there should be a big cable. 1 wire will go to the stud on the starter and bolt to the positive terminal of the battery. There should be another wire on that cable which is a ground and goes from the negitive terminal on the battery, a little wire will bolt to the side right next to the battery, and the other big end will bolt to the block.

2. For the alternator there will be a big wire and 3 small wires coming out of the fuse box. There will be a round plug that plugs into the back of the alternator and the other on the terminal. The 3 small wires will be a white, black, and yellow.

Follow that wire and see where the other end goes, then place it in the correct position.


Dang Dude! No Way Man.
Staff member
Apr 17, 2007
Yes he does. The 2 brown wires and 2 white wires you have on the starter need to get bolted to the intake manifold. Then you need direct power from the battery to go to the starter.

You also posted 2 threads on the same problem. In the future only post 1 thread for 1 problem and if possible just use that one thread if you have more than one problem. Thanks.

I merged the threads and edited the first post with both of your first post so as to not leave anything out.


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under

in 5,4,3,2,......


New Member
Apr 14, 2011
mankato, mn
ok, I recorrected the wiring. I placed the 2 brown and 2 white wires on the intake and bolted them down. The large wire from positive battery terminal is placed on the starter. I still do not get the engine to turn over, no click, no nothing. So i still think its something to do with the neutral safety switch. This car use to be an Automatic and the ECU is the original. Is there a way to bypass the safety switch? which wires need to be spliced together? thanks


Dang Dude! No Way Man.
Staff member
Apr 17, 2007
to bypass the neutral safety switch on the AUTO harness (I see he's switched to a manual one now, and i don't know what to say about how to fix that) there is 4 plugs that go the the tranny, one is a round plug with 3 wires, white, black, and blue, just splice the white abnd black together (using the tranny side of the harness is best so you don't have to cut up the engine harness). to make reverse lights work, use the blue wire from that plug and there is a 6 wire round plug, all you need is the black one from there; use the blue and black to connect to the 2 wire plug coming off the manual transmission.

Do you have the alternator plugged in? And is the battery good? Double check that no fuses are blown both in the drivers kick panel and under hood next to the battery.

If all that checks out and the nss is bypassed you can take some wire to the starter from the battery, be careful not to ground it out, remopve the orange plug on the starter and manually apply power and see if it cranks. If it doesnt either your battery is toast or the starter is toast.


New Member
Apr 14, 2011
mankato, mn
hvyman, you were right, I was able splice the black and white wires on the transmission plug to jump the NSS. The engine cranked right over. the engine didnt start mainly because theres still a fuel line not connected. I believe its called the cold start injector hose, its in the middle of the fuel rail. I cant see where it connects to, does anyone know where that connects at?


Dang Dude! No Way Man.
Staff member
Apr 17, 2007
Goes from the middle of the fuel rail to underneath the middle of the manifold.

Its the hole in the middle of the runners.

I wouldnt start cranking over nad over with fuel shooting out. Could lead to a fire.