Rear camber rod question


Active Member
Dec 4, 2006
So i went to get the car aligned today and when it came time to get the rear camber adjusted nothing would move. The bolt would just spin but it wouldnt move the camber in or out. So i figure i need new bolt and bushings but those all cost quite a bit so i figure i may as well get better adjustable rods. My question is which one do i need for the camber? I saw two places where the mechanic was attempting to adjust the camber.

i was looking at the A1 rear camber kit but is the price listed for all the rods i need or just one? :1zhelp:

The rear camber as of know is
Rear Left Wheel
Camber: -1.4'
Toe: 0.15'

Rear Right Wheel
Camber: -.07'
Toe: -0.06'

Thanks for helping me out.

snake eyes

New Member
Dec 21, 2005
katy, tx
lol you don't remember me showing you its the front one for camber? btw you should get both cause both were just spinning and when you start messing with one the other one gets messed up (like we saw in the front)
