1/10. axle rose can die in a fire.
thesandymancan a.k.a: mittens Mar 7, 2006 233 0 0 37 boise, idaho Oct 7, 2007 #421 1/10. axle rose can die in a fire.
Big Wang Bandit You Can't Quit Me Baby Feb 21, 2006 7,551 0 0 35 San Ramon, CA - 925! Oct 7, 2007 #422 10 for LOLs + I agree
BlackMKIII Hardcore Lurker Jan 6, 2007 2,134 3 36 40 Norman, Oklahoma www.facebook.com Oct 7, 2007 #423 9 Because my mom owned one in the same color.
GeneStarWindGSW Been To The Other Side... Mar 25, 2007 992 0 16 36 No Man's Land www.bidmingle.com Oct 7, 2007 #424 8/10 Mouse clicking
SupraMario I think it was the google Mar 30, 2005 3,467 6 38 39 The Farm Oct 7, 2007 #425 8 cause it made me laugh, but 7 cause the woman didnt find it funny. Hmmm lets see who knows what mine is.
8 cause it made me laugh, but 7 cause the woman didnt find it funny. Hmmm lets see who knows what mine is.
BlackMKIII Hardcore Lurker Jan 6, 2007 2,134 3 36 40 Norman, Oklahoma www.facebook.com Oct 7, 2007 #426 10/10 for FallOut. Do I win a prize?
Kai That Limey Bastard Staff member May 18, 2006 3,138 2 36 42 Portslade, England rationalrecipes.blogspot.com Oct 7, 2007 #427 1/10 - for having an avatar with spelling on that even a 4 year old would find stupid...
Mr.PFloyd I am the Super Devil Jun 22, 2005 3,964 0 36 36 Mississauga, Ontario Oct 7, 2007 #428 thesandymancan said: 1/10. axle rose can die in a fire. Click to expand... It's Axl Rose... no e. And that is for old GNR, not new. ANYWAY 5/10 cause it's a clearer picture of a supra but it's red :icon_evil
thesandymancan said: 1/10. axle rose can die in a fire. Click to expand... It's Axl Rose... no e. And that is for old GNR, not new. ANYWAY 5/10 cause it's a clearer picture of a supra but it's red :icon_evil
Yellow 13 Lurker Apr 4, 2006 2,308 0 36 Fairfield, California Oct 7, 2007 #429 8/10 ...Because the only song of theirs' I know is "Sweet Child of Mine" and it rocks.
ForcedTorque Join the 92 Owners Group Jul 11, 2005 6,099 2 38 59 Satsuma, Alabama, United States Oct 7, 2007 #430 10 for humor -2 cause seal's not clapping total = 8
Bondango Supra Specialists Ireland Jul 8, 2005 158 0 0 54 Belfast - IRELAND www.supraspecialists.co.uk Oct 7, 2007 #431 8 because is getting quite rare
Jeff Lange Administrator Staff member Mar 29, 2005 4,919 5 38 38 Sunnyvale, CA jefflange.ca Oct 7, 2007 #433 TOMA70E said: 8/10 ...Because the only song of theirs' I know is "Sweet Child of Mine" and it rocks. Click to expand... HAY! I don't remember approving you.
TOMA70E said: 8/10 ...Because the only song of theirs' I know is "Sweet Child of Mine" and it rocks. Click to expand... HAY! I don't remember approving you.
Yellow 13 Lurker Apr 4, 2006 2,308 0 36 Fairfield, California Oct 7, 2007 #434 Jeff Lange said: HAY! I don't remember approving you. Click to expand... Still a 1000000000
BlackMKIII Hardcore Lurker Jan 6, 2007 2,134 3 36 40 Norman, Oklahoma www.facebook.com Oct 7, 2007 #435 9 For making me ROTFLMAO
OneJoeZee Retired Post Whore Mar 30, 2005 5,721 0 0 38 aboard the Argama Oct 7, 2007 #436 +10. that pic is pretty funny. Can you PM the fullsize?
Poodles I play with fire Jul 22, 2006 16,757 0 0 43 Fort Worth, TX Oct 7, 2007 #437 I posted it in the this thread: http://www.supramania.com/forums/showthread.php?t=55088 10: Bleach FTW, Hollow Ichigo FTW
I posted it in the this thread: http://www.supramania.com/forums/showthread.php?t=55088 10: Bleach FTW, Hollow Ichigo FTW
Dachande Arrrrrr Matey Apr 3, 2005 231 0 0 South Carolina Oct 7, 2007 #438 4/10 don't understand the pink poodle thing
BlackMKIII Hardcore Lurker Jan 6, 2007 2,134 3 36 40 Norman, Oklahoma www.facebook.com Oct 7, 2007 #439 1/10. Even a badass gun can't compensate for Hello Kitty.
BorHor 2JZ-GZE Jan 10, 2006 6,181 1 38 36 San Jose, CA Oct 7, 2007 #440 3 because I can hear it knocking.