Rant: Im over this spoon-fed tobacco ignorance crap!


New Member
Apr 6, 2005
South Bend
robeats91t said:
However, ask a smoker and a non-smoker where appropriate places to consume those cigarettes would be, and you'll likely get two very different answers.

Exactly right. My dad smokes and he'll smoke around anyone anywhere. He sees no problem with it. I’m like your Fiancé’s mother and can’t stand smoke. I get really bad headaches from being exposed to it for the smallest amount of time and my eyes get red and watery even if I’m a good distance from the person smoking. While I’ve never asked someone to stop smoking around me (that’s not the kind of person I am) I do find it rude. But I also find it rude regardless of whether the people around you have allergies to it or not. And I don’t think it’s oversensitive at all. Sure, at a bar go for it. People expect smoking there. But if you’re walking around town, do you really need to light up right in front of someone and have your “waste” smoke blow in their face? I find that rude. To me it all relates to the same reason you don’t wear heavy cologne or perfume to a gym (among other places), or you don’t talk on the phone in the movie theater- they’re all just inconsiderate. Now I’m not saying it’s a big enough thing to make a deal out of, and it’s definitely not big enough to ban smoking all together, but it would be nice if other people saw actions like this as being inconsiderate or offensive.


MDC you're such a completel 100% loser.... :p

first of all those are not commercials they are Public Service Announcements. (PSAs)

secondly, just it's your choice to put down the cig or not..its your choice to flip the channel on the boob tube when that PSA comes on...no one is forcing you to smoke or not to smoke..and nobody is forcing you to watch the PSA

also....i got the test results back...and the child is yours.


New Member
Apr 6, 2005
South Bend
^I was going to use that as an example too, but for whatever reason decided against it. It's just one of those things that is more polite remove yourself from the room (or crowd of people) to do.


New Member
Mar 31, 2005
Portland, OR
WOW! I haven't seen this much mis-information in a long time. I guess I'll add my own (and no, I didn't read every post).

Smoking kills... yes so do cars.

I work with a guy that used to work for one of the big Tobacco companies. He had to sign the biggest non-disclosure agreement that you have ever seen so he can't tell me exactly what I want to know.

I did catch him smoking a while back and commented "Well, I guess it can't be THAT bad if you know what's in those things (exactly) and you are still smoking."

His reply was simply: "that is a testiment to the addictive power these things have".

Smoking is addictive. Just like gambling, drinking, drugs, etc can be. The last time I checked I could quit driving any time I wanted to - as long as I didn't have to go anywhere or had someone else to drive me around (hmmm... having a chauffer would be nice).

What about the second hand smoke that kills people that don't CHOOSE to smoke? What about those @$$Hats that don't think throwing their cigarette butts out the window is littering - these last two cut into my personal rights (I just want to follow them home and $#!T on their lawn).

The only purpose smoking has is to line the pockets of the big tobacco companies. You think the oil companies are F'd up getting record profits?

What about the ads targeting young kids? Think about this one for a while and get back to me when you have kids of your own. We won't even bring in the whole "smoking in the same house with kids guaranteeing them a nice short life" arguement.

In short, it is within your rights to smoke. But your rights end where my rights begin.

Don't even get me started on the whole non-smoking "section" at the local eating establishment. Yeah right, like smoke will just stop at the line and watch.

Poison yourself. Leave the rest of us out of it.

I don't mind if you smoke as long as you don't mind if I $#!t in your shoe!


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
Ok, was trying to stay out of this one, but now I see it cant be avoided.

Ok, for the record...I smoke. I admit it. I toss a few butts out the window now and then. I smoke outside buildings, and when people give me a dirty look I just blow smoke in their direction. Why? because I dont give a shit.

I dont give a shit if its bad for me...I know it is, SO SHUT THE FUCK AND STOP TELLING ME SO! Second hand smoke is bad for others you say? I dont give a shit...most of the people who tell me this are busy stuffing down quarter pounders with extra cheese and a big heaping pile of salted french fries...fuck you! you choose your poison I'll choose mine. We are all dying of one thing or another. I think Denis Leary said it pretty good when he said..."Remember Jim Fix? Made a jogging video, made a jogging book and died of a massive heart attack WHEN!? When he was fucking jogging, thats when!"

All this talk of your rights vs my rights...I dont give a shit! OUR rights are dictated by those with the most money, and are not based on what is actually good and right and fair, if you think they are...your a fool. The reason why its still legal to smoke is big tobacco still has a shit ton of money left after sucking all us smokers dry for so many years. But do you think big tobacco is the only ones who make money off Cig sales? Its big business to HATE on cigs as well. So the machines just keep pushing the stakes higher and higher...and just sit back and say...I dont give a shit!

Ya know why I dont give a shit? Cause we are all already dead...we just dont know it yet. As soon as you set yourself free of the fear of dying you can really begin to live...but if YOU dont want to....I dont give a shit!


New Member
Apr 6, 2005
South Bend
While I do agree with some of the things you said, especially the part about the reason why tobacco companies are still around, this caught me as... interesting…

theWeezL said:
Ok, for the record...I smoke. I admit it. I toss a few butts out the window now and then. I smoke outside buildings, and when people give me a dirty look I just blow smoke in their direction. Why? because I dont give a shit.


you choose your poison I'll choose mine.

Well then, assuming second hand smoke is dangerous (which you alluded to), aren't you technically choosing "our" poison by blowing your smoke in people's faces? So then we can't chose your poison but you can chose ours?

*Ours being any non-smoker you care to share with.


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
Ahhh the infamous "U Jack" stance ie: "Fuck you Jack I'm alright"...

This is all well and good until you come across someone with even less social conscience that takes offence at you blowing smoke on them and U Jacks you your family your home your dog and all because you wanted to be a hero and no one was going to tell you what to do.....

Dude it's a shared planet..


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
If you really think a few lungfulls of my second hand smoke is worse for you than the air in Tucson or Melbourne...well then the anti-smoking people have done a good job with their propaganda.

And Im well aware of the fac that its a shared world...but that does both ways...just as I have to put up with non-smokers telling me what I can and cant do, you have to put up with a little second hand smoke...cause afterall...its a shared world. You cant have it both ways. You cant say its a shared world so "you better not smoke near me" and then expect me to care when you dont like it when I do.

All Im saying is there is far worse things in this world that we are exposed to everyday. Im sorry, but Im not gonna shed a single tear cause I hurt some non-smokers sense of personal space.


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
And one last note on me and my habit...I smoke less than half a pack a day. I dont smoke in my sisters house (where Im currently staying) because Im a decent and reasonable person. when I drive in someone elses car, if they dont smoke I wont either...out of respect for them and their space. If I were at a public event and a reasonable person asked me nicely not to smoke near them I wouldnt...I wouldnt even bitch about it...because Im a decent and reasonable person.

But if you get shitty with me about, guess what? Im gonna get shitty right back! because until they outlaw cigs altogether or I actually quit once and for all...its still my right to smoke where its still legal...and if you dont like it, then you can go somewhere else. And I still wont give a shit!


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
I don't care if you smoke or not that's your choice I choose not to and don't want to breathe it in full stop...

One day you'll meet someone that takes it that one step further and for what because you couldn't have the common courtsey to not blow smoke on someone.....

This is just going to turn into a pissing match and isn't worth the effort if you haven't grasped the concept by now I doubt anything anyone can say will change your mind.

Is it worth dying for?


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
IJ...dude, its called a rant! I dont live by half the shit I write...I feel strongly about some things, but if you actually think I got a problem with other people and its going to lead to me losing my life...then you dont know me.

All Im trying to impress on these people who think smoking is the 8th deadly sin is, that its not...and they need to get a grip.


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
IJ. said:
This is just going to turn into a pissing match and isn't worth the effort if you haven't grasped the concept by now I doubt anything anyone can say will change your mind.

My mind doesnt need changing...its just fine the way it is...as is yours! live and let live man


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
No I don't know you....

That's just the point why write it if it's NOT how you truly feel/think?

There are people that live by that attitude so how anm I to know it's a "rant"...


New Member
Apr 6, 2005
South Bend
Well you must not be completely reading what I’ve said because I never said you (or any other smoker) couldn't do something. All I’ve said is if someone had a sense of common courtesy they would refrain from smoking in certain areas. Just as other people refrain from doing other activities. But apparently you don't give a shit about what other people think so don’t worry about any of that.


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
Well, I never specifically directed anything I said to anyone in particular meggs. When I say "you" I mean that in the general sense of anyone other than me.

If you knew me personally you would know that I have more common courtesy and respect for my fellow "man" than 95 percent of the population. But you dont know me, and so a few words on a forum is all you have to make up your mind about me.

My rant was directed specifically at the non-smoking nazi's that flood the world with miss-information and go out of their way to make me feel like a leper and a sick peson because I light up now and then, and they have a chance to lord over me their holier than thou attitudes....if thats not you then we got no worries...if that is you then....yeah, you can kiss my "butt" :biglaugh:


New Member
Apr 6, 2005
South Bend
No, that's definitely not me. Just please try to limit lighting up around me because it makes my eyes water and then they get red and then everyone asks me why I've been crying and they never believe me when I tell them I haven't been. Not to mention the headachs- those make me kind of grumpy (because I didn't do anything to get them) and I'm really not a grumpy person.


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
I "limit" my lighting up whenever Im around friends and other people I respect. Im not the antithisis of the non-smoking nazi, I just let them know I dont give a shit if it pisses them off...as soon as they respect my right to smoke, I respect their right to not have it blown in their faces.

And IJ...its not that I dont believe what I say when I rant like that, its just that I voice myself in the harshest possible terms sometimes. Its my way of trying to get a "rise" out of someone for the sake of conversation.

Im the kind of guy who could argue either side of a debate just as passionately as someone who actually believed it. Its alot of fun at social gatherings. My friends all know better than to get me started...they know I dont give a shit...lol!