Ok so I just took out the 7m with the auto tranny together.. took about 5 hours to take it out..not too shabby. got alot of bruised and sctrached kunckles and fingers from those cramp spaces and those bolts that hang on for dear life until the wrench slips and hands go flying everywhere only to hit a sharp corner..."holy run-on-sentence batman!!" ok so i laid the engine and tranny next to the one im putting on, which is a jdm engine... i noticed a couple differences.. the biggest one that worried me were the damn motor mounts... they're different... mine is a squared bolt design... and the one i bought has a traingle shaped bolt design thingy...get it? and its about 5 inches back...the jdm one..Another problem is that the fuel pump is where the motor mount should be...and there two more connections coming out of the tranny and some on different sides...Didn't think that the "jdm" engine/tranny would that diffrent... what can i do about the motors mounts and what other problems am i gonna run in to? and since im here... what are the diffrences beweetn usdm and jdm 7m's?...:nono: