My take on the topic...
Passport Escort 8500 X50, SWEAR by it. The Valentine1 is excellent as well; however as of 2yrs prior testing studies, the 8500 got the nod due to picking up POP Radar and Instant On Radar methods from approx 1/2 mile further away than the Valentine1 AS WELL as picking up these signals over small hills (where the radar signal was obstructed thru the hill).
At the time I bought mine it was a no brainer, the Passport scored better, picking up certain types of radar up to 2.5 miles away. My experience with the detector over the last 2yrs has CERTAINLY made me and many a SKEPTIC passenger a BELIEVER. I've picked up radar signals minutes ahead of time on highway stretches in the past. The detector is nothing short of VERY impressive. As well at the time the Valentine1 was $400; while the Escort 8500 was only $300 if you went with the red L.E.D.s (blue was more expensive).
I'm sure the difference between the two's ability is Nominal at most, but it was about bargain for me mostly as I made the purchase.
One feature the Valentine does have that the 8500 X50 does not, it works in Europe on their radar systems as well. But I didn't have any future driving in Europe plans, so that was worthless to me.
Regarding Laser detection, research I've read shows that typically laser detection is NOT perfect for police officers. They often must target you several times to get an accurate reading. This is why use of ACTIVE jammers can be effective. However while they are legal, many police DO NOT TAKE TO THEM KINDLY. And they have been documented cases of police / law enforcement officials taking action on "Obstruction of Justice" charges.
The key then is this if you wish to possess and use a jammer effectively... the emitters mount inconspicuously in the front bumper/grille area, and the control box is small/easily hidden from view. You simply detect the Laser signal with a QUALITY radar detector like X8500 or Valentine1, once detected, IMMEDIATELY bring speed down to within speed limits, as soon as you're there you SWITCH off the laser jammer and allow the police to get a good laser reading on you. As long as he can get a reading 'eventually' on your car before you pass, you're all set - he'll assume the first or second attempt was a normal 'failure'; and his subsequent successful attempt will show your car to be giong within the speed limit; no suspicions aroused.
If you continue to drive by jamming the whole way, they will immediatley know you are projecting an active jamming signal, and then open yourself up for at minimum a BIG hassle. Imagine the officer having a bad day and wishes only to give you HELL for running that jammer. While no speeding ticket can be given, and say for instance even there is not valid case for "obstruction of justice", which may or may not be true; all it takes is one look under your car at a HIGHLY modified exahust system, OFTEN lacking any visual evidence of a catalytic converter whatsoever on our MKIII Supras, and WAM you just got socked with WAY more hurt than a nasty speeding ticket. Most states have NASTY little laws regarding ANY type of modification to a stock exhaust system; including up to a $10,000 fine and I believe even jail time; just depends on how peeved that police officer is. And bet he's not happy you are jamming his lasar signal and smiling about it all the while as you drive by.
As of about 2yrs prior there were 1500 Lasar Radar guns documented owned by police departments. Majority of them owned by Police forces in the eastern-north eastern United States. I believe they are EXPENSIVE, and they are not used in the speed 'warning' signs that tell inform you of the speed you are travelling. Usually those signs employ use of K band or "wideband". If you didn't pick it up, you radar detector is SERIOUSLY out to lunch; i'd get a new one, its giving you a FALSE sense of Lead Foot security.
When it comes to radar detectors, you DO tend to get what you pay for. SCRAP the UNIDEN or anything you have that may be more than 4yrs old and/or was not top of the line when you bought it (Passport/Valentine/Beltronics are generally recognized as top of the line). The offbrands and older ones will detect some, but not all sources of radar, and they CERTAINLY will not detect it from the same distances and as quickly and reliably as a higher quality detector. (i got hit with too many big dollar tickets using an off brand cheapy deal back in the day- finally got tired of it and did some research about it and thus the above commentary) - -
Since owning the Passport, i have two speeding tickets - - One when I did not have the detector in the car, the other when I was ignoring the detector because I thought I was in the speed limit; but I was wrong about what the speed limit was.
I have no HIGH speed tickets since, as i ONLY go high speeds when the detector is in the car I am driving.
Instant-On radar is ALWAYS going to be a risk to anyone and everyone. You get a VERY short notice of instant-on even with the best radar detectors, by nature of the way it works. Still, i've been plugged by it a couple times and slowed down VERY quickly and avoided the ticket (however if you are too far over the limit you'll not have enough time to get down unless your braking is AMAZING). Its great if there are cars on the highway up ahead of you, you are tipped off by the cop hitting those cars. But if you are the lone driver on a highway, thats when you're at risk if you're going too fast to come down in speed when hit by Instant-on.
I've been hit with LASER so many timees, never had a ticket by its hand. They just struggle to get good readings, and the further away you are the harder it is to get that solid reading; so often they tip you off by shooting at cars from long distances (to ensure enough time to lock you and get a good reading before you pass)..... that you have plenty of time to slow down into a safe speed range before you pass; and then you can avoid the ticket. It is a myth that the moment you are hit with laser that they've got you.
Further with laser, they prefer a flat surface, perpendicular surface to shoot the laser at, usually they like your front license plate or plate bracket. If you have a front plate and put some shims/washers behind the upper bolts, you can create 'angle' in your plate and that will decrease the likelihood of Laser getting a good reading from a long distance.
Sorry for the long wind - - Just a topic I've always found interesting and relevant to my lead foot habit. :evil2:
Also, I studied up on this about 2-3yrs prior, so i for sure know Passport has released a new version of the X50, the 9500. It now incorporates GPS positioning technology allowing you to 'tell' the radar detector that a signal being received is a 'false alarm'. The detector will then 'memorize' that exact FREQUENCY of that EXACT type of radar signal and that exact location, and will not alert you to its presense next time you drive thru the area; i thought that was pretty cool.
Another nice feature that even my 8500 X50 came with, you can set it to display MULTIPLE sources of detection at one time. The detector is capable of detecting AND informing you about Signal strength of 4 different sources of X band, 2 different sources of K band, and 2 different sources of Ka band, ALL at the very same time. Its awesome. That way if I'm driving past a city on the highway or something that normally sets of 2-3 sources of X band (not uncommon), i can still watch for a source of K or Ka band at the SAME time, which is statistically more likely to be police car taking radar. It even has a mode that will inform you of the EXACT numeric frequency of radar being detected, within whatever band of radar its picking up. Its a quality piece of electrical equipment, no DOUBTS about it.
I would imagine Valentine1 has already worked on or released something similar; they usually keep right up with new technologies in the radar world.
Also I think Beltronics has produced the FIRST radar detector that can actually detect ALL sources of radar AS WELL AS defeat the Spectre III Radar Detector Dectector (for clever use in states where using a radar detector is Illegal).
As of last year, the state of Ohio writes the MOST speeding tickets in the Nation; I'm livin' in the WRONG state I guess; but at least I have a Passport