R154 trans install question

Another MkIII

Feb 22, 2009
ForcedTorque;1344641 said:
I just did this, and this method works. It sounds dumb as hell, but it works. Take newspaper and tear it into 3 inch strips about 1/2" wide Find a bolt that just barely fits the hole in the bearing. My instructions were to wet the paper, I used PB Blaster. Now stuff the paper into the hole until it won't fit any more. Pack it down with your bolt and a hammer. I had to do that 9-10 times. Sooner or later, you will get it packed tight enough to smack the bolt with the hammer hard, and it will knock the bearing out from behind. Price = Free if yo have any paper around the house. You can also use toilet paper.
I said it is stuck on the input shaft of the trans, not in the crankshaft.


Active Member
Nov 23, 2006
Easton, Ma
if its stuck on the input shaft, and you're replacing it, just use a hammer and make sure not to mark up the splines.


boost'en down 101
Oct 27, 2007
humboldt, ca
kotu100;1340547 said:
you really need to STFU, me and my bro just did a tranny swap in the car, on jackstands in 4 hours from start to finish. i thought it was hard 1st time i did it but its easy as fuckin pie.


good job! you want a medal. your post is pointless. if your trying to brag thats funny. because hella people on here can pull the r154 like its nothing. YOUR NOT SPECIAL. and btw the r154 in my supra i drive everyday is completely rebuilt by me. once you do that. then come and tell me to stfu like you know your shit. LOL.

Another MkIII

Feb 22, 2009
black89t;1344865 said:

good job! you want a medal. your post is pointless. if your trying to brag thats funny. because hella people on here can pull the r154 like its nothing. YOUR NOT SPECIAL. and btw the r154 in my supra i drive everyday is completely rebuilt by me. once you do that. then come and tell me to stfu like you know your shit. LOL.
Suggestion: Both of you STFU, because you're not helping me any!


New Member
May 2, 2009
Yakima, WA
Doward;1340289 said:
Don't bother trying to install the R154 the 'normal' way - do it as the TSRM says.

It'll save you a lot of sore muscle, thrown wrenches, and horrid words cast about.

I don't understand why someone would try to install it the "normal" way. I've R&I'd a W58 and an R154 on mine and to me the R154 is way easier. The clutch and pressure plate are already attached to the input shaft so all you have to do is stick the tip of the input shaft into the pilot bearing hole and bolt it up. A lot easier than having to line up the input shaft, especially when there's not enough room to get it up in there with the input shaft sticking out. PITA!


Active Member
Nov 23, 2006
Easton, Ma
Another MkIII;1344887 said:
Suggestion: Both of you STFU, because you're not helping me any!

what more help do you need? need someone to do it for you?

just get in there and do it and stop procrastinating.

black89T: im in process of rebuilding my tranny as well, so yea... STFU :sarcasm:

Another MkIII

Feb 22, 2009
kotu100;1345050 said:
what more help do you need? need someone to do it for you?

just get in there and do it and stop procrastinating.

black89T: im in process of rebuilding my tranny as well, so yea... STFU :sarcasm:
Yeah, because beating it with a hammer sounds like a real legit solution...

And sorry to sound pissy, but the arguement you two are having is like a dick comparing contest: Even if you win, its still pretty gay.