First of all, can we have a drivetrain experts forum?
I've rebuilt several r154's, no problems whatsoever. So I bring this next one in, tear it apart. Syncros are trash, a gear has chip, yadda yadda yadda.
I start assembling with new bearing and sycros, 1st through 4th go on just fine on the middle plate, assemble 5th gear and its hub, and bam, there's my first issue. After about 4 hours of trying to figure out wtf was causing my syncro to not mate up, I measure the sycronizer and it turns out that the syncro that came in driftmotions kit was WRong with a capital WR. Too wide on the inner loop.
I tore it back down, measured every syncro, and even bearings too, everything is cool. Put it all together, attach my linkages, spin the shaft and start shifting gears and its tough. Not really tough, just just enough to notice it tougher than usual.
Thinking I was just bsing my self, I assemble the case, and now the shaft barely moves, and doesn't want to change gears. Like the case is putting too much pressure on the shafts, causing the syncros to bind. Yet the input/output shaft main bearings are right where they should be to install the snap rings under the bearing retainer.
So... any other r154 guys have suggestion. I'm so stumped. I've pulled this thing apart several times and can't figure it out. TSRM page by page right next to me even! (Usually don't use it, takes too long)
I've rebuilt several r154's, no problems whatsoever. So I bring this next one in, tear it apart. Syncros are trash, a gear has chip, yadda yadda yadda.
I start assembling with new bearing and sycros, 1st through 4th go on just fine on the middle plate, assemble 5th gear and its hub, and bam, there's my first issue. After about 4 hours of trying to figure out wtf was causing my syncro to not mate up, I measure the sycronizer and it turns out that the syncro that came in driftmotions kit was WRong with a capital WR. Too wide on the inner loop.
I tore it back down, measured every syncro, and even bearings too, everything is cool. Put it all together, attach my linkages, spin the shaft and start shifting gears and its tough. Not really tough, just just enough to notice it tougher than usual.
Thinking I was just bsing my self, I assemble the case, and now the shaft barely moves, and doesn't want to change gears. Like the case is putting too much pressure on the shafts, causing the syncros to bind. Yet the input/output shaft main bearings are right where they should be to install the snap rings under the bearing retainer.
So... any other r154 guys have suggestion. I'm so stumped. I've pulled this thing apart several times and can't figure it out. TSRM page by page right next to me even! (Usually don't use it, takes too long)