From a dead stop, I put the transmission in first gear. 50% of the time it pops out of gear as soon as the clutch touches the flywheel. I re-shift into first and 50% chance of it slipping out again. I always get going after 1-3 attempts. Pain in the ass at red lights.
If i put the car in first gear at 1 mph, there is only a 10% chance of popping back out.
I noticed the shifter bushing was worn so I replaced with a new Toyota one. No improvement.
No other problems. No slipping, no grinding, all other gears are fine. Handles 470rwhp very well. MT-90 fluid. Short shiter.
Any ideas? Clutch or tranmission problem?
If i put the car in first gear at 1 mph, there is only a 10% chance of popping back out.
I noticed the shifter bushing was worn so I replaced with a new Toyota one. No improvement.
No other problems. No slipping, no grinding, all other gears are fine. Handles 470rwhp very well. MT-90 fluid. Short shiter.
Any ideas? Clutch or tranmission problem?