R154 Clutch Fork


Pinoy Drifter
IS this thing held up with bolts or anything? My dads friends installed a new clutch while I watch and when I went to drive it the clutch fork just fell down...The way I put it back in...it looks like it just clips into place around a rod and then the slave cyclinds push rod or whatever just holds it in place with pressure. Is this the correct way? Please help!


Pinoy Drifter
mhopemk3 said:
There is a hook that the fork clips into..

Ok from the pic there...does the bolt go through the cluth fork? No, right? The Fork's rod hooks onto the part on the far right and it appears the bolt only holds that far right piece in...So basically is the clutch fork supported by the slave cylinder's push rod?


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
Syris said:
is this the correct way? Maybe once you ask us a question in good grammer we might be able to tell you if its correct or not.

whoa man, jump off dudes back.
I had no problem understanding that. at least he didnt ask if our cars where BHG prone from the factory. Or what size the stock sawz are.