Question for those with a FFI w/ Q45 Tb



Hey guys, wondering for those with a FFI w/ a Q45 throttle body, how are you guys running the coolant lines to the TB? I am not sure what hose goes where? and are you guys running any vacuum hoses to the nipples on the TB?? thanks, aight peace :chicken:

ps- if you guys have pics, that would be a + :)


jt2ma71 said:
Just hook up the 2 coolant lines originally going to the ISC to the 2 fittings on the TB. Just plug the two small vac. nipples.


Ron, so it doesn't matter which lines go where? just got to hook em to the TB yeah? btw, forgot to mention, not running a ISC either... aight peace :chicken:

so- one of the hoses on the intake manifold to the tb and another hose from the coolant pipe to the tb and all is good yeah? doesn't matter which hose goes to which side of the tb? thanks


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
bert, if it makes any difference to you, you could bypass all that very easily by going to the local autoparts store, getting some small water tubing, and looping the line from the small steel hardline that comes from the wrap-around water pipe, and running it straight to the nipple on the lower intake manifold. that's what i did.

i don't have any water running through my TB, or ISC.



shaeff said:
bert, if it makes any difference to you, you could bypass all that very easily by going to the local autoparts store, getting some small water tubing, and looping the line from the small steel hardline that comes from the wrap-around water pipe, and running it straight to the nipple on the lower intake manifold. that's what i did.

i don't have any water running through my TB, or ISC.


You know, I also thought of that... but what is the purpose of running the coolant to the tb? is it to just act as a "heater"?? aight peace :chicken:


New Member
Mar 30, 2005
Tucson, AZ
I was about to post about this same topic. I noticed that on the Q45 TB, the two lines go through a chamber that looks to me like a thermostatic acuator to increase the throttle angle when the engine is cold.

On our cars the coolant lines just go through the TB and ISC to heat them up faster, but it looks like if we use the ones on the Q45 TB it will affect the idle somewhat.

Im wondering if this could be used to our advantage or if its not worthwhile to try since the idle is already conrolled by the ECU on our cars.

If you are running a standalone and no ISC valve, I can see where this might be very useful.


IJ. said:
The Water Heating is to prevent the Throttle freezing open in humid conditions.

In that case, there will be no problems capping the fittings off on the TB and just looping the lines? aight peace :chicken:


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
i've had mine capped and looped for well over a year, and have no issues with it.



Impeller Head
Mar 30, 2005
Washington State
As mentioned by 90T04, the coolant through the q45 helps with the high idle when cold and drops it down when at normal temps. You might need to adjust it a few times as we did with Duane's, to get it to idle the way you want when cold and hot. Especially without the isc, I think you will need to use this feature of the q45 tb. I'd hook the one line from under the lower intake manifold to one on the tb and the other on the tb to the small metal one that branches off of the big wrap around metal line.
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