Q45 TB question


Formerly black87turbo
Apr 27, 2006
Jacksonville, FL
Hey guys ! I am using the Q 45 TB and am having a problem trying to figure out where my TPS should read at idle. Currently I am at .28 volts. I know when i had my old TPS I was reading closer to .4 volts at idle. I read X-Man's post about install (which is exactly how i did it) and he says that his reading was at .385. Does anyone know if that is at idle? I am thinking that this is also contributing to my "dead spot" in the TPS. I will be giving it constant throttle and all of a sudden my car feels like it hits a damn brick wall.

Also, this question is related to the maft-pro but does anyone know what size setting the throttle body should be using the Q45 with the maft-pro? Stock is 6 and now I am using 9.....is that too much?


New Member
Sep 17, 2007
Coastal Georgia
As long as the TPS has resistance between the two lower terminals when the throttle body is closed, and when you place a .9mm shim between the stop and the throttle to mimic having the throttle cracked, there shoudl be an overload of resistance.

Not volts.