Punctuality, where has it gone?


Buzzin' Half Dozen
Sep 13, 2007
Utica, New York
Seriously, what's happened? So many times lately have I been the victim of people being just absurdly late, and not having the courtesy of calling and letting me know. Or worse yet, people not showing up and, again, not calling.

Its my belief that if you tell someone your gonna be somewhere at a certain time, you damn well better be there at that time, give or take a couple of minutes, not half an hour (or four and a half hours as my landlord did today.) And if you're not going to be there on time (or at all) call the person. Seriously, calling someone and telling them you're going to be a little late (or very late) usually is a better alternative than having them waiting around.


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
I've always been of the mindset that you show up within a few minutes, but unless something very pressing comes up, you always volunteer to stick around until needed.


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
The way of the



Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
IJ, that's a horrible representation of that bird, couldn't you at least find a picture? ;)


Enough is Never Enough
Jan 9, 2008
Houston, TX
Late personalities

Late and snobby: These type of people are purposely late because they feel that they are more important than someone else. They believe that their time is more valueable, which makes it okay to let people wait on them. What this need for importance really reveals is their insecurity. They use this tactic to boost up their esteem about their own lack of importance.

Late and absent minded: They couldn’t be on time if their life depended on it. A fogginess of the brain prevents these otherwise good willed people from getting somewhere on time or making a deadline. They just don’t get it, but perhaps some lessons in time management could tap into their real potential.

Late and rude: Some people aim to defy authority or disrespect the person that is waiting for them. While this behavior isn’t very nice, it still qualifies as chronic lateness because the hate for authority is constantly present. This is similar to the snobby personality that feels unimportant, but in this case the person feels a lack of self respect. If only they felt better about themselves they wouldn’t have this defiance.

Credit - http://www.alexshalman.com/2007/02/26/always-late-lets-fix-it/


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
I have my days where I tend to run a couple minutes behind, it usually corresponds to the weather. If the weather's warm, I usually get around better and don't feel as tired. Am NOT a morning person in the least though... Give me a job that starts in the afternoon or evening, and I am good to go, usually consistently a few minutes early. Before noon though, I'm usually always running a couple minutes late. Bad habit I'm aware of for sure. :nono:


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
I am a freak about being on time, I would rather be stupidly early than be late. I actually had to meet someone recently and I was 5-8 minutes late, I felt embarrassed and kept apologizing. That's the only time I've been late for something that I can remember in years.


Metal Head
Sep 29, 2009
akron/canton, ohio
some people just can not be on time ever. one of my riends is a prime example of that. he was wanting to buy my set of 18 inh rims off me today and was going to meet me at work 15 minutes before i had to clock in. i show up at 8:15, wait ten minutes, then go inside and clock in and start my work night (i work third shift, til 430am). 10 minutes later, i get a text from him saying 'ok dude im here, where u at?" then he gets pissed because i went inside and started my work day, when it was his fault he showed up 10 minutes after i am supposed to be at my cubicle and working. i dont think it should be my resonsibilty to factor his lateness into what time i should tell him to get there (like if i want him there at 815pm, tell him 755, so when he shows up 20 mins late hes actually on time). I'm not perfect about showing up on time, but if im gonna be more than 5 minutes late, ill call ahead and warn then.