Pulling an Engine.


New Member
Apr 16, 2007
British Columbia
Alright, so since i crashed my car i have a buyer for the engine. But i have no clue how to take it out. Is there any Do it yourself or Guides on how to do it on this site? i tried searching but couldnt find any. thanks in advance.


Was dgilman360
Sep 28, 2006
Lakeland Florida
I dont know of any writeups on the site

have you ever pulled an engine at all???

i pulled a mustang cobra motor no problem just make sure the tranny isnt bolted on remove starter all connections and motormounts

do u have a engine hoist???


No more Supra no more fun
Jan 13, 2007
Central IL
I'm 17 and I just removed a BHG motor in January and rebuilt a motor from Soko and dropped that one in. I bought my hoist on sale for $129.99, that's the lowest I've seen one around here. They are normally at least $175.00. It was my first removal/rebuild of an engine and it was not hard at all, it just takes time.

Read as much as you can on here, ask as many questions as you need to get it done right. That guide I linked to you breaks it down step by step, it's all you need to pull it out. Good luck!


Jun 26, 2007
hagerstown, MD
A chain "come along" will also work, if attached properly to something stout enough to hold the weight of the engine. I used one to remove my GTE from my first soup. Car was totaled, so I just undid the front sub-frame and suspension, and raised the car over it. motor and tranny with wheels attached. It was actually balanced and I could roll it around quite easily. You can get a "come along" at farming supply store or somewhere that sells off roading gear for jeeps and such. Gotta be very careful.


Rehabilitation time...
Aug 1, 2007
Spartanburg, SC
Disclaimer: This is for reference ONLY! If anything is damaged, mangled, dismembered, broken, or even scratched. I will assume no responsiblity for it because this is just ADVISE, or at least what I remember from my Haynes manual.

With that out of the way, lets get started! First you need
Common Sense
Handtools (Air Tools will work wonderfully too)
Place to work
Engine Lift (crane ), with a weight distribution bar (highly recommended!)
A buddy
Cube of Mt Dew, or other beverage.

I got my motor with the head already off, the last owner had pulled it off. So I had the block and trans together still, in the car. Basically...

step 1. Pull the hood off (this will be for later, also it helps to get everywhere.) Drain fluids (oil, coolant, etc. )

step 2. pulls everything out that you can. The more room the better, the first thing I pulled out was the radiator. Then Power Steering pump, AC compressor, let the exhaust hang off to the side, disconnect all electrical, probably would be a good idea to take the whole intake manifold off and exhaust manifold and turbo, all the fuel lines need to be disconnected and plugged (gas leaks are bad for smokers). Just get it until all you have is hardware in the bay, dont have to take it out just move it outta the way.

step 2. by now you should have just the head, block, and trans. A crane lift with a weight distribution bar is perferred here. Need to hook the back of the four chains as close to the trans as possible if not the trans to block bolts themselves, and the front need to be hooked just infront of the engine mounts.

step 3. unblolts the nuts that hold the motor in place and lift the motor up SLIGHTLY. Make sure there's nothing holding it down, and disconnect that annoying shock on the driver's side, it should be connect that the driver side motor mount.

step 4. Unbolt the mounts that support the motor to the motor mounts. That way that cant hang up on it, and if everything is clear and good, it's time to move to the transmission.

step 5. jack up the car and support it with TWO jackstands one on each side if you haven't already done it. On the R154 trans (which gave me hell ) drain the trans fluid first (be careful! it stinks like hell :cry: ), There should be the cable drive for the speedo on the back passenger side of it, take it off and an electrical connector on the driver side(?). And dont forget the slave cylinder. The exhaust is attached to the trans near the back of it, it'll let go when you drop the trans mount (not now!), or it should, or just tak it off yourself.

step 6. Hop in the car and take out enough interior to get to the bolts holding in the shifter boot and take the 6 bolts out of the top of the transmission and pull the shifter assembly up and out of the way. Then take the trans bracket loose and unbolt it from the trans (BE CAREFUL the whole thing while swing loose) and should be suspended by now.

Eh, you can get away without droping it yet.

step 7. Be sure to have a buddy with ya and keep an eye on things, not to mention it makes this stuff easier. The whole assembly should wiggle forward and just walk it forward until the driveshaft drops out.

step 8. This is where that distribution bar come in handy. Tilt the thing back as far as possible (go down with the transmission) and walk the assembly forward as you go up with the crane.

step 9. Almost there? Great! This means you're actually reading this! You get the tail of the transmission to the firewall finally after tedious walking forward and yelling at each other. Tilt the assemble forward (bring the tail of the transmission up.) and it's out of the vehicle! great. Awesome. You did it!


step 10. To seperate the R154 and the 7MGTE that work so well together... You see those plates on the under side of the transmission held on by 14mm(?) bolts? Should be two per plate and one on each side for a grand total of two plates to be removed. See the clutch fork on the driver side of the bell housing? Thats what would have messed you up if you tried to take the two apart in the car. What you do is get a long flathead screw driver and go in through the passenger side of it and pop the E-clip off the bottom of the pin of the clutch fork and push it out with the screwdriver and pull it out the rest of the way from the driver side hole. Take the clutch fork out and set the assemblye down, NOW take the trans to engine blots out and the starter if you haven't already, and the two should part quietly like long time lovers...

Anyway, hope this helps you out or at least gets you in the right direction, if all else fails, go to Advance Auto and by a $18 Haynes manual and just read it.
