Pulled over in the Supra today. Should I fight it?


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
savannahashlee;1369183 said:
Simple.. if you dont want to get pulled over, dont do something to get pulled over.. Here in Oregon, when your lane ends, you're suppose to YIELD and merge into the left lane.. If you did what you did in Oregon, you would have gotten pulled over...

Is that what the signs 1 mile+ out are there to keep you from doing?

Lane Ends in 2 miles... I'll worry about that just before the guy beside me tries to run me through the barrels.

Pisses me off... and one of these days, I will run someone through the barrels/cones/concrete dividers... and don't think that they'll accelerate faster than me. :biglaugh:


Jul 8, 2009
I want to start off by apologizing if i came off as an ass.

However a lot of you are not reading my post entirely, which is making me be more blunt and rude about how im saying things.

if he would have clocked me for the speed i was going and gave me a ticket for 62-63 mph I would have no problem paying the ticket. however the ticket is for 15 over the limit, which not only is non-prepayable, but is a false accusation.

I would also like to say I do NOT hate cops individually. I hate all police equally. In this case I did not make the officers day any harder. It took literally 4-5 minutes because i was calm cooperative respectful and did not argue.

Please remember this before saying the same thing other people have stated in this thread.


Supramania Contributor
Dec 13, 2007
Abbotsford, BC
I haven't been through the courts at all, but I would definitely be pissed if I was wrongfully accused of going faster than I actually was that bumped the ticket to a higher level like this. It's something you obviously have to be careful of though. I'd present the facts from your side, bring as much evidence as possible so you have something to back you up, and hope for the best. It's not easy when it's a "you're word against his" type situation, especially if he's got a radar reading on a signed ticket. If the radar reading ISN'T on the signed ticket however...you might have a chance.

In the mean time, get your insurance taken care of, explain that that was an honest mistake and that you've gone through the necessary steps to correct it, and hope that they only give you a small fine for that part. My buddy had to do that and ended up only paying like $25 instead of the initial $475 or whatever it was.


Jul 8, 2009
radiod;1369305 said:
I haven't been through the courts at all, but I would definitely be pissed if I was wrongfully accused of going faster than I actually was that bumped the ticket to a higher level like this. It's something you obviously have to be careful of though. I'd present the facts from your side, bring as much evidence as possible so you have something to back you up, and hope for the best. It's not easy when it's a "you're word against his" type situation, especially if he's got a radar reading on a signed ticket. If the radar reading ISN'T on the signed ticket however...you might have a chance.

In the mean time, get your insurance taken care of, explain that that was an honest mistake and that you've gone through the necessary steps to correct it, and hope that they only give you a small fine for that part. My buddy had to do that and ended up only paying like $25 instead of the initial $475 or whatever it was.


I plan on bringing my time slips from a while back proving that if I do speed, it's in a safe environment. I had no intentions of harming anyone, and I believe I was wrongfully accused.


Jan 15, 2008
PDX (Oregon)
mkiiSupraMan18;1369408 said:
I was talking about those who wait until the absolute last second to merge, like they didn't know that it was coming...

OMG I know.. I almost got wiped out the other day driving my supra down to my dad's house.. I was spitting venom, cussing like a sailor... arg!


New Member
May 12, 2009
Hendersonville NC
I have lived with family in the police department all my life and have learned about a lot of the loopholes in the traffic laws. Here is one that might help you, Most states require an ass load of certifications and logs for the use of radar and laser. Here all radar and laser units must me calibrated weekly. The dept and the officer must be re certified annually. If either of these is not up to date the radars reading cant be used in court or the officer/ department is not qualified to use the radar or laser. Case Dismissed .
I do not know how you would request a Copy of the logs in your state but it is worth a shot


Apr 11, 2007
I have been in your situation many times.

Just think about it, and don't kid yourself.

Do you speed? probably.

you probably didn't notice that you were going that fast because you occasionally speed, and 80mph feels like 35mph now.

aaaand you may just have an asshole cop trying to prove how tough he is, and that he can abuse his power because he can.

I've had that type many times.

I used to get furious after getting a ticket, and wish the cop to be run over while he's writing someone a ticket.

After I cool down, I realize that he is just doing his job. (most of the time)

In reality, going to court will take more time than it's worth. If the judge throws the book at you, you'll end up paying more than just paying the ticket in the first place.

I wouldn't try fighting a speeding ticket, because you can't prove anything.


Jul 8, 2009
kabanimk3supra;1369710 said:
I have been in your situation many times.

Just think about it, and don't kid yourself.

Do you speed? probably.

you probably didn't notice that you were going that fast because you occasionally speed, and 80mph feels like 35mph now.

aaaand you may just have an asshole cop trying to prove how tough he is, and that he can abuse his power because he can.

I've had that type many times.

I used to get furious after getting a ticket, and wish the cop to be run over while he's writing someone a ticket.

After I cool down, I realize that he is just doing his job. (most of the time)

In reality, going to court will take more time than it's worth. If the judge throws the book at you, you'll end up paying more than just paying the ticket in the first place.

I wouldn't try fighting a speeding ticket, because you can't prove anything.

I saw the cop way before he shot me with the radar. I saw my speed to be 60-63 I was speeding and didnt have anything to hide so I didnt slow down. If he would have wrote me for the 63mph i was going i wouldnt have had a problem. This thread wouldnt have been started.

I realize hes just doing his job, I gave the man respect and didnt make his job any harder. No need to argue on the side of the road. Thats what court is for, and im gonna take him there.


Apr 11, 2007
Sideways_bob;1369737 said:
I saw the cop way before he shot me with the radar. I saw my speed to be 60-63 I was speeding and didnt have anything to hide so I didnt slow down. If he would have wrote me for the 63mph i was going i wouldnt have had a problem. This thread wouldnt have been started.

I realize hes just doing his job, I gave the man respect and didnt make his job any harder. No need to argue on the side of the road. Thats what court is for, and im gonna take him there.

I wish you well, but be prepared to get bent over.

I'm just saying....you may get the legal shaft.

hopefully you wont.

good luck man.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
If your going to fight it get the indash video from the cop, and make sure his laser is properly turned on, make sure he used the damn thing too. Also bring the video(not a picture) of the GPS VS your dash speedo. Also Dress nice when you go to court, shirt/tie/slacks/shoes(minimum)


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
kabanimk3supra;1369766 said:
I wish you well, but be prepared to get bent over.

I'm just saying....you may get the legal shaft.

hopefully you wont.

good luck man.

Soo... he'll go in for speeding and be tried for vehicular manslaughter? I don't think they're going to add to what he's being tried for just because he's taking advantage of one of his rights...


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
I've said this many times, and I'm sure I'll say it many more.

Cut the police some slack. They spend 90% of their time dealing with the dregs of society, and it tends to wear them down.

This affects how they view the world in a big way. Police tend to group people into three categories:
- Police
- Criminals
- Civilians

It's your job to convince them you belong in the last category. Driving a red sports car with expired insurance is 2 strikes. Doing the same while over the posted limit, or even just when the officer is in a bad mood because his wife packed up the kids and asked for a divorce, will put you firmly in the second category.

Now that the officer has made up his mind, you'll need to try to convince the court system that you are actually a good person and hope they are willing to over ride the officer's opinion. While this can be done all by your lonesome, your chances will increase dramatically if you get a professional involved, and by that I mean call a lawyer that specializes in traffic.


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
GrimJack;1370111 said:
I've said this many times, and I'm sure I'll say it many more.

Cut the police some slack. They spend 90% of their time dealing with the dregs of society, and it tends to wear them down.

This affects how they view the world in a big way. Police tend to group people into three categories:
- Police
- Criminals
- Civilians

It's your job to convince them you belong in the last category. Driving a red sports car with expired insurance is 2 strikes. Doing the same while over the posted limit, or even just when the officer is in a bad mood because his wife packed up the kids and asked for a divorce, will put you firmly in the second category.

Now that the officer has made up his mind, you'll need to try to convince the court system that you are actually a good person and hope they are willing to over ride the officer's opinion. While this can be done all by your lonesome, your chances will increase dramatically if you get a professional involved, and by that I mean call a lawyer that specializes in traffic.

'nuff said

I have a spotless record, but more tickets than I can remember because I used a lawyer.


Apr 11, 2007
mkiiSupraMan18;1369948 said:
Soo... he'll go in for speeding and be tried for vehicular manslaughter? I don't think they're going to add to what he's being tried for just because he's taking advantage of one of his rights...

I didn't say they'll add to anything to what he's done.

I am saying that the judge might just say he's guilty and make him pay the ticket and the court fee.

In other words, he's better off paying the ticket and getting it over-with.

Now if it were a bs ticket like Improper tag display or burned out taillight, it would be a different story.

I'm going to tell you an incident that happened to me.

My brother and I just opened up a used car dealership, we were given temporary paper tags while they made us the metal dealer plates.

I got pulled over because of improper tag display, apparently the paper tag had been ripped off probably by someone trying to be funny.

I always kept an extra tag in the car incase it were to fall off.

The cop came up and started smarting off, saying that he could tow my car because it had no tag. I then explained to him the situation and showed him the spare tag(the one I had inside the car). He looked at it and smirked, then he said "how do I know this isn't something you printed off at home?"

I told him you could look up my dealer tag number on your computer, he didn't like that and wrote me a ticket for improper tag display. I tried to reason with him, but he wasn't having any of that.

Then he got the VIN number and looked it up, then came back and asked "why is it not in your dealership name?" I was in disbelief. I figured that surely he knew the law since he's a cop. I had to explain to him that we don't register cars in our name, we just reassign them to the buyer.

I then told him that he's wasting my time and his, and this ticket would not stick. he said: "we'll see about that" as he walked away.

So I ended up going to court. I took pictures of the tag on the car with the date (of the temp tag shown clearly) to prove that the car was infact legal. I had to take off work and lose a sale only to wait almost two hours in court, and of course he was a no-show. The ticket was dismissed and I was happy but still cursed him and his mother because he was such an asshole, and because he wasted my time with his bs ticket.


New Member
Jun 10, 2009
East Hartford CT
Sideways_bob;1368904 said:
Short Version ; i was pulled over for 70 in a 55mph zone

Whole story ; I was driving down a 3 lane road. I was in the right hand lane with cars surrounding me. About 1/4 mile from where i was at, the road becomes a two lane road, forcing traffic to merge.

As i was driving in the right hand lane and sped up to exactly 60 on the speedometer. as soon as i had my turn signal on to merge i see the red and blue.

When i notice the lights i pull over asap. show him registration insurance and license. note the whole time im very cooperative, saying yes and no sir.

he comes back to my window with a FUCKING COURT DATE? I stay cool but he says insurance is 1 week out of date, and i was going 70 in a 55.

I know for a FACT I wasnt going 70mph.

Ive never been to court or had a ticket. so should i fight it? What are my options? i dont really have the money for a lawyer. But i would like to stand up for myself and use my rights.

Lesson learned... Fuck the police

IDK how the courts are there but here in connecticut a lot of people that have a first time offense seem to (without the speed being to harsh) get away with a much smaller fine. If the offense was all that bad the cop would have arrested you on the spot and had your car towed. Good luck.


Mar 31, 2005
Spokane, Wa
Couple options

Get a lawyer, verify your speedo, or just get it dropped down a litt.e

Always fight the ticket, ALWAYS.

If your speedo is legit off by 10 then the judge should drop the ticket right then an there, gotta have a shop verify though.