Zombie Thread resurrection with a related question after reading this thread and the sticky....
I'm FINALLY finishing things up on the car rebuild and will be taking it out on the break-in run within the next couple of weeks. Does anyone know roughly how fast the car will be going at 4k+ in 4th gear? From memory, I think it'll be up over 100mph. Car is a '91 Turbo Manual.
Second, before I can take it out, I have to set the CPS/timing and also play with the fuel pressure and AFM screw (Lex AFM mod installed during rebuild) ...does it matter how long I mess with that stuff at idle before I take the car out for break-in, or should I try and set that stuff ASAP? I ask this because of the talk of seating the rings within the first 20mi. How long at idle messing with timing and fuel/air, burping coolant, etc would equate to that?