Proper engine break-in question.


Jul 21, 2007
ahh thanks for the input IJ. I'll feel alot more comfortable using these filters then. Which one of the three oil filters should I be looking at for the Moroso filters? (looked it up in the web)


Occasional Peruser
Zombie Thread resurrection with a related question after reading this thread and the sticky....

I'm FINALLY finishing things up on the car rebuild and will be taking it out on the break-in run within the next couple of weeks. Does anyone know roughly how fast the car will be going at 4k+ in 4th gear? From memory, I think it'll be up over 100mph. Car is a '91 Turbo Manual.

Second, before I can take it out, I have to set the CPS/timing and also play with the fuel pressure and AFM screw (Lex AFM mod installed during rebuild) ...does it matter how long I mess with that stuff at idle before I take the car out for break-in, or should I try and set that stuff ASAP? I ask this because of the talk of seating the rings within the first 20mi. How long at idle messing with timing and fuel/air, burping coolant, etc would equate to that?


Dang Dude! No Way Man.
Staff member
Apr 17, 2007
Try to get everything done as quick as you can. If you fill the coolant alley everything should go in first time.

And 4th at 4k is only like 60-70