Did some more screwing around with maftpro and data logging. Realized I was pretty limited by pump gas so I threw in some left over racefuel from my sled. Leaned out the fuel mapping even more to 11.5 - 12:1 and turned it up!
Worked my way up to 17psi and lost about every bit of traction in second gear even with the 275's on the rear
From a 40 km/h roll in 2nd shes a snakey bitch all the way to red line haha.. Must be doin something right now.
Decided to mod up the recirulation fitting for the bov since I wasnt a fan of how it sounded through the tiny hole. Put it on the lathe and cut it out. Sounds MUCH better now.
Little snap shot of tuner pro running realtime
Pic of the ol' girl