the standard Canon IS lenses, while you can pan and shoot with them, aren't designed for it. It won't hurt the shot if you are constantly panning (as in, the subject is moving in a straight line), but when you are panning at different rates (like tracking a horse going thru the barrel pattern), it may act a little funny. The L series IS lenses (and maybe a few of the standards, but i don't think so) has a switch to go from steady IS to panning IS where it will only steady one axis.
The IS doesn't really seem to do much on an 18-55 lens, might help a little if you are zoomed all the way out in low light.
If you are wanting a decently quick lens, I know Tamron and Sigma both have a 70-200 F/2.8 for like 700-800 bux. It's not stabilized, but if you are using a quick shutter speed you can get by fine.
NAiL05;1155657 said:
Nice pictures but as mentioned some of the shots look kinda dull, dark, or the sky is blown out. Usually I shoot with a higher f/stop during bright days. I sometimes bump the ISO up in darker areas when I am using my kit lens. But with the 50mm I have now thats not really needed =D. Nice work though. Which Canon are you using to shoot?
i am playing in photoshop, i kinda dig the dull, desaturated look a bit (i dunno why, i just do).
Background is blown out on the first page because the arena is covered, and it is actually pretty dark in there, but it was bright sunlight outside. Because of the layout of the arena at the next shows (the uncovered arena), I am shooting into the sun on most of the speed events, and it is getting late in the day by the time speed events start
shooting a 30D btw