Pretty Sure My Car Got Totalled...


New Member
Aug 3, 2006
Saskatoon, Sk. Canada
Well it happened..

I just made a deal with a guy today to buy my car, 7500 + his 92 eagle talon tsi that needed some work. Hell of a good deal, I was all happy and excited to get out of debt and Id have that for a winter car until I could find another car to purchase..

I went out driving with it for the last time tonight.. turning left at a busy interesection.. which wasnt that busy at the time. I started going because looking at on coming traffic there was only one person, in the far left lane from my view.. She had her signal light on and was turning right into the merge, but decided she wasnt going to and went straight. She saw that I was coming through the intersection, and my friend yelled at me that she went straight. I slammed on the brakes and she didnt brake until she was about 5 feet from me, didnt try to swerve just went straight fucking into me.. She hit just in front of my passanger front tire. Bam.. it was over..

I didnt even get out, I just sat there thinking about how much money went into this car and how fucked Im going to get by the insurance. I hear the stupid needy bitch say "oh my god I dont handle these things this well. I need my boyfriend" So she gets in her car, calls her boyfriend and crys.

The whole front of my car in front of the tire is shifted to the drivers side. Rad busted and leaked coolant all over. Both front tires look aligned and everything.. Motor didnt get hit at all, rad didnt hit the fan.. I have no idea if this is all fixable or not.. And to top it all off, I get a $220 traffic ticket for "failing to yeild to oncoming traffic"....

Im crushed about this and have no idea how this is going to work out.. I have a witness to come to court and say she had a signal light on. I dont know how much thats going to do.. I dont have the money to pay for any of this shit.. I got all the work done recently and have all the receipts for it.. and there going to give me dick all for it because of its age.

Any idea if its not totalled, when it goes to get fixed, can I have all the rust fixed and the whole car painted while its in there?

Sorry for the rant.. this just turned into the worst night of my life..


New Member
Aug 3, 2006
Saskatoon, Sk. Canada
I was thinking of buying the car back if it is a total loss. Should I repair the car, get the rust fixed and have it re-painted or its just going to be better to find myself a rust free shell for it? Any idea how much you have to buy it back for after they pay you for it?

This just really sucks, and so far I am 100% at fault.. :cry:


Mr. Evergreen
Mar 30, 2005
hate to say it but your entirely at fault signal or not. same thing happened to my mom in her Discovery, spun our truck around in circles but it was her fault because she failed to yield, even though the mustang that hit us veered out of the turn lane w/ its blinker indicating a turn at 60+

Buy it back from your insurance and part it out, maybe you can save some $$ vs just getting cut a check for the $3k trade in value.


Supramania Contributor
Apr 12, 2005
Pomona, CA
That really sucks dude.

Although if I had a done deal selling a car I wouldn't drive it again after that. I've heard more then a few stories from people who had cars that were either already paid in full or had a big deposit and they drove the car around like it was still theirs and had an accident. Once the deal is done it's not really worth it to take a chance.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
sorry to hear but your pretty much screwed with insurance, they don't give a shit. They will just see the age of the car and give you the finger.

Srry to hear man.


New Member
Aug 3, 2006
Saskatoon, Sk. Canada
Well the supras around here seem to be worth a bit more then down in the states (like the mk4 is worth more here than there). Im going to bitch and fight to get what I want out of it. I have all the invoices of work done withtin the last 4 months. I guess we will see what happens, I hope its fixable even. The kid said if its fixable, he will continue with the same deal after the car is fixed. I made up a bill of sale for the buyer and me to sign, to show the insurance company how much I was going to get for it.. hopefully that might help me a bit. It will be going in on tuesday of next week, thats the day of truth. I should also have pics up sometime tommorow.

And if it is fixable im putting a post 89 front on it.. I guess thats a bit of a bright side. Ive always liked it better. :icon_razz

But like everyone says, yeah, its 20 years old.. But I have to keep hoping none the less.


New Member
Nov 16, 2006
man that sucks. i had somewhat bad luck the night before i sold my car. took a guy for a quick drive and started boosting, it spiked over 20 and the engine just shutdown. would not start. i got out to check everything, nothing seemed out of place. got in and it started right up. needless to say i babbied it on the way back home.


Nov 12, 2006
fort fun, colorado
im sorry but i have no faith in other drivers, every where i look it either a cell phone, head set, shaving, talking to other passangers in the car, or people lighting up a bowl, compleately oblivous to whats going on around them. but i am sorry about your car man thats horriable.

Shytheed Dumas

For Sale
Mar 6, 2006
Louisville, KY
If you had completed a bill of sale, or at least if you could get the buyer to sign an affidavit that an agreement had been settled on for $7k with or without the Talon, wouldn't that say a lot of the real value of your car, specifically?

I'm sure the insurance company would laugh it off, but maybe a judge wouldn't? Just an idea... Sorry to hear the bad news. :(


Sep 29, 2006
Sydney, AU
Sorry to hear that man.... must be hard.

F_T_F said:
im sorry but i have no faith in other drivers, every where i look it either a cell phone, head set, shaving, talking to other passangers in the car, or people lighting up a bowl, compleately oblivous to whats going on around them. but i am sorry about your car man thats horriable.

I've seen women drinking coffee in a mug driving their car in the morning, eating breakfast / cereal.... ridiculous stuff... they dont understand that what they are in is a dangerous tool...


Been To The Other Side...
Mar 25, 2007
No Man's Land
vas85 said:
Sorry to hear that man.... must be hard.

I've seen women drinking coffee in a mug driving their car in the morning, eating breakfast / cereal.... ridiculous stuff... they dont understand that what they are in is a dangerous tool...

ohhh they understand... AFTER it happens :biglaugh: