Pre/Post 89 Harness question.


New Member
Jul 26, 2006
Las Vegas
I have a few questions regarding this 1989 Supra Turbo I have in my back yard. My friend is currently overseas and I am trying to get the car running for him before he gets back. I noticed the car has a yellow plug harness and ecu however I think its a Post 89 version? I haven't messed with Supras in a long time so I'm assuming it needs to be re pinned in order to get it to run? The car isn't getting injector pulse when I connect the noid light to it. I get everything else though like spark, fuel, etc. Another thing wrong with this car is I can't get the Check engine light to illuminate which is another reason why I'm guessing the harness needs to be re pinned? On my search I found this link:

Does that sound about right? I wanted to check the codes but never could and I'm guessing its because of the yellow plug harness on a 89+ grey harness plug car. I'll probably mess with it some more tonight when I get home and search some more, but I just wanted to see if I am going in a bad direction for this supra before I try and re pin it tonight.

Also I am actually not sure if this car is a Post 89. I guess it is because it's dated 89 but it would be nice to have confirmation from all you fine supra gurus. Figured I'd ask before I completely quit on this car and just sell it for him :)



Keep Laughing.You're Next
Jul 31, 2006
hmmm it's dated to 02/89 so yes it is a gray plug post 89 car. However, being an early 89 and not 90-92 everything should be able to plug up to the car regardless of the color of the harness. 89 and post 89 shares the same m1 and b1 plug so you should be okay. Let's assume that everything is plug up your next dilemma is to figure out why the CEL isn't on when key is turn to on. This means that the ECU isn't getting power and you won't be able to start the car. Time to get out the TSRM and a multi-meter.


New Member
Jul 26, 2006
Las Vegas
Thanks! Yeah I thought the same thing, figured it all connected should be good. Okay so far this is what I did right before the TSRM online stopped working for me. I was able to pull up the the Inspection of diagnosis circuit and the led me the third step which was Check bulb, fuse and wiring between ECU and IG switch. I checked the bulb, the bulb is good because I swapped it from the ABS and the ABS light still illuminates. The only fuse I found an issue with was the IGN SW fuse had a 5a vs a 7.5a fuse which I swapped out already. Still no CEL. As far as checking wiring I am going to check it tonight with the multimeter and hopefully TSRM online comes back up for me when i get home.


New Member
Jul 26, 2006
Las Vegas
okay, soo I thought originally the dude who sold my friend this car told us it had a new EFI relay, it might be or might not be. I started the Troubleshooting with Volt/Ohmmeter on the TSRM. Got off work a bit early since there wasn't much going on.

I did Terminals Batt - E1, IG SW - E1 and I got within the 10-14 volts. As soon as i got to M Rel - E1 I got nothing. So I'll start small and chang out the relay and see what it does then tomorrow when there is daylight again I'll check the wiring. I'll continue on with the troubleshooting again. Let me know if I'm doing it wrong good sirs.