carfasion ftlSupraOfDoom;1016489 said:How hard was it to make the bomex 2 hole fit on the pre-89?
TaSe;1016490 said:OMG so pimp bryan!
where did you go to run?
got_boosted;1016662 said:Is that the carfashion lip?
MK3.0dudeman;1016784 said:yo Bryan how did you do at the track and what track is that.any more pics or a video?
AGlobalThreat;1016976 said:Is that a camry behind you?
STFU, come over and help me. now. i know you're lazy.PROJECT N00b;1021343 said:No, he hasn't...still looks the same =]
RazoE;1021642 said:the bumper is resisting you..
got_boosted;1022577 said:viper92086, I was just admiring your photos on the last page and how hot your car looks on the track... I'm slightly biased, however, because that's what I'm setting my car up for and that's very similar to how I want mine to look, only white.Nice work!
viper92086;1023799 said:cause you always see people with nice cars, but rarely do you see pics of those cars actually performing on a track