SupraOfDoom;1360545 said:Yeah I've never been into the sleeper thing.
2quickk;1363545 said:same here, it just sucks when po po's pull you over because its aftermarket, i'll still stick with an aftermarket muffler, but with a stock look....BUNK:nono:
supra90turbo;1364137 said:what's wrong with a straight 4" pipe coming out?
livinasask8er;1364325 said:nothing. what's wrong with the blue color on my 91 supra? nothing, but some people like the grey on my 90 and call the blue on the 91 gay. opinions. all that matters is that you put thought into whatever you do; that you have enough respect for your car to sleep on any ideas for mods.
anyways, heres the exhaust on my 91:
my dad found it on another car at the junkyard while looking for other stuff and liked how it looked less restrictive, so he welded it on. I like how it looks stock. Does anybody happen to know what car this came with? just curious.
Kota;1363848 said:you can have the biggest, wackiest looking muffler ever and not get pulled over if its not excessively loud or you can have a muffler that "looks stock" but is going to wake up the dead and get pulled over... i dont see the point
at least thats how it works around here
2quickk;1364341 said:i live in washington state and about a year and a half ago or so they made a law saying you cant have a aftermarket muffler and the area i live in, if a cop notices the muffler is after market, you'll be getting a ticket, loud or not. That being said, i choose to use a magnaflow, borla, or dynomax or any "stock looking" muffler due to the fact that if i come across a cop they wont say shit, because its not loud and you cant really tell its aftermarket. But if i have the "biggest, wackiest" looking muffler i will get puller over and get a ticket. I've been pulled over before and have had a ticket because of that, not because it was loud, but because it wasnt a "factory exhaust". Thats why i avoid getting tickets by using a "stock looking muffler" and just hope a cop doesnt notice that i have an aftermarket one. I personally would use a HKS or whatever but i dont make the laws....
Guyana00;1364357 said:Lol, well it's still nice, post a pic of yours, if it's twin tip!
Kota;1364350 said:wow thats some bullshit laws... the only states ive had a car registered in are colorado and michigan. you just have to pass emissions in CO. there are some neighborhoods around here that you arent allowed to work on your car even in your garage with the door closed. my friend lives in one and he got a ticket for it. its the kind of neighbor hood where you get in trouble for not having the right porch light >.<