Possible medical discharge for me


Almost civilian status...
Jun 26, 2006
Fredericksburg, VA
So, here's my scenerio...I was diagnosed with sleep apnea in Sept 05'. I have already had 2 surgeries and 5 sleep studies. Last December before I deployed, they determined that the apnea was below the level of discharge.

Well, I had a sleep study last tuesday night. They just called me and said that they need to schedule me for a sleep study ASAP. I was like, "Say what?" Basically, I talked to the doc on the phone and he said that I stopped breathing 201 times in 6 hours. In Sept' 05, i stopped 78 times. So, it is almost 3 times worse.

Worst case is they are will do a Medical Evaluation Board, I'll get medically discharged with a minimum 35% of my base pay ($2400/month), and benefits for the rest of my life. It might be as soon at 2 months.

I just thought I would share my "great" news with you guys. Don't worry though, "AF1JZ" is still sticking around here.


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
it's serious (it can kill you), so don't screw around...

sorry to hear you might be getting a discharge, but at least you'll have pay and benefits...


Almost civilian status...
Jun 26, 2006
Fredericksburg, VA
I'm definitely taking care of the problem. I'm going back on wednesday to do another sleep study to find out the pressure for the CPAP machine. I'm fully aware of the consequences of not taking care of this problem.

But, at least I'll be getting the pay and benefits for life. Plus the VA pays for all of school and brand new books. So, when I start school, I'll just use what the VA gives me and pocket the Montgomery GI Bill. Which I believe is in the area of about $1300/month. So, I should be doing alright.

I just need to look out for my health first and worry about the rest later.


Supramania Contributor
Apr 1, 1983
The beach
I'd sleep on it, and really consider if you want to leave.

I wouldent hold you breath on getting discharged so soon.


Almost civilian status...
Jun 26, 2006
Fredericksburg, VA
buckshotglass said:
Do you have cool dreams as a result of this?

Unfortunately, nope. Mostly bad dreams :(

Update: I just talked to the medical board lady and looks like I won't have any worries. Things have changed since my last medical board. I'll only have restrictions on some deployments. Which doesn't bother me at all. So, I'll still have to wear the CPAP machine. But, I'll be able to reenlist if I choose to do so and they aren't going to kick me out.


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
AF1JZ said:
Unfortunately, nope. Mostly bad dreams :(

Update: I just talked to the medical board lady and looks like I won't have any worries. Things have changed since my last medical board. I'll only have restrictions on some deployments. Which doesn't bother me at all. So, I'll still have to wear the CPAP machine. But, I'll be able to reenlist if I choose to do so and they aren't going to kick me out.

I got an Entry Level Seperation from the AF because of asthma. MEPS cleared me and everything. Then in basic, I couldn't keep up with everyone while running in formation. I've never been a runner and it wasn't because I couldn't breathe. Anyway, they made me go over to Wilford Hall and when the doc saw asthma in my history he recommened I be discharged. Had I known then how easily I could have disputed it and won, I would have. But I was just an 18 year old kid and didn't know any better. My morale had been sucker punched. That was 20 years ago this month and I'm still bitter about it. I was in the AF for exactly 30 days! I tried to re-enlist during Desert Storm but they told me not to waste my time. I'm glad things worked out for you! Good luck
