I know this has been gone over time and time again, but I'd like second (third,fourth,fifth..) opinions. A few weeks ago noticed the motor run hot (almost all the way to the red, when its normally at 4 o'clock everytime i glance). Coolant was low, filled it back up and it ran fine, seemingly no coolant loss when i checked it every few days. Fast forward to this week, I've replaced the cap. (which seemed to fix the problem for a few days) Oil looks fine, no milky slime. Fan clutch is perfect. Pressure test on the radiator showed no loss after about 20 mins (maybe i should of tested it longer?) Then back to still losing coolant, with no visible leaks. Then I find it, its being pushed out of the overflow tank. Hydrocarbon test was a mid-way result. Didn't totally stay blue but didn't change to yellow. (thats what bothers me..) Replaced thermostat (stant superstat, what was in it and what i replaced it with), drove it and temp gauge got to about half-way, thermostat opened (apparently) and it dropped back to 4 oclock. no coolant loss. Thought the problem was fixed again (first bad cap, now stuck thermostat) Tonight on the way home i see it overheats to about a third of the way, but doesn't move from there. Limp it home and I notice yet again coolant being pushed out of the overflow tank. I've been thinking the thermostat hasn't been opening, and replacing it and it running fine made me think i was right until tonight. Now i'm wondering if the new thermostat is stuck closed, or it is a bhg indicated by the hydrocarbon test. From here all i know to do is test the thermostat to make sure its opening at the right time, and compression or leak down test. I've also taken into consideration it could be bhg and its only happening when i push it hard, thus it only overheating at times and the contaminated coolant (how else could it get contaminated?) Thoughts?