Wanna know how it works, soak some crusty (carbon coated parts) gun parts in it overnite. You'll see NOTHING happend.
but but but, it's not an engine!! :icon_confsuprageezer said:Wanna know how it works, soak some crusty (carbon coated parts) gun parts in it overnite. You'll see NOTHING happend.
lazarous said:Wouldn't be a bad idea in some cars to use this, because when you take huge carbon deposits off of the walls then it opens up tolerances no?
well if I use it wrong and people still know what I am talking about than who cares? I just thought that taking off ALL of the carbon that has built up has to do something. Where there once was carbon there is now space, so logically doesn't that lead you to believe that if you have huge deposits, i mean huge ones, wouldn't that "lead to an increase in the play between the cyl wall and the piston?" [feel better I didn't say tolerence])jetjock said:you're misusing the term tolerances. Many people do but it still makes me crazy
Hey, read that and tell me what's wrong with it... :icon_razzjetjock said:Hopefully this will motivate you to do some unless you want remain one of the walking dead.
lazarous said:Where there once was carbon there is now space, so logically doesn't that lead you to believe that if you have huge deposits, i mean huge ones, wouldn't that "lead to an increase in the play between the cyl wall and the piston?"
AGlobalThreat said:Something I DID notice a difference with was when I used fuel injector cleaner through my injectors. It's called Berryman's Injector Cleaner and you disable the fuel pump and run your engine on the cleaner by itself
phoenix6 said:I dont, but I need to, lost alot of backpressure on my NA