suprageezer said:It's all about YOU, if YOU like it go for it, don't worry about what other's say many will be negative just cause they're negative to anything they don't do or their idols don't like it.
If you decide to buy that, get the wings width I'm not sure if it's wide enough. I had trouble finding a wing that I liked and was wide enough to fit a Supra I went with a wing from an old firebird because it was wide enough to make it to the sides of my car.
Mk3runner said:I said no like many others, I like the whole 89+ spoiler look. maybe just maybe if the wing had some more meat to it, it wouldn't look bad.
Evilempire1.3JZ-GTE said:You mean MEAT or RICE ? J/K
The TA wing i was refering to looks like a tear drop/whale tail, kind of.
I would do the same design but a little higher off the body and more agressive. but not as agressive as what they did on the next gen TAs(Batmobile looking ones).