please help with mods/ upgrades


New Member
Mar 15, 2011
crookston mn
ok i am new to the supra scene and i have a few questions i am looking for the basic mod upgrades i have about 1500 to 2000 dollars to play with i am wanting help from people on here cause they know prices and wat the good brands are please help ohh its an 89 mk3 turbo 5 speed


New Member
Mar 15, 2011
crookston mn
the supra runs perfect i had that checked before i bought it and now i have 1500 to 2 grand i know i will be getting 3in cat intercooler, intake, i just need to know if i am doing it backwards or what i want to build up to about 300 horse and then settle for a while to work on looks so power then looks so i guess i want to spend about 1500 on power for now any ideas


Supramania Contributor
Dec 13, 2007
Abbotsford, BC
Do you know if the head gasket has been redone or torqued? That would be a good place to start. Going through and replacing any aged coolant/vacuum lines is a good idea too. Like the guys said, better to invest the money in to taking away as many possible failure points before moving forward. A stock car that runs will always be faster than one that's got performance parts up the ying yang but can't make it out of the garage ;)


New Member
radiod;1689026 said:
Do you know if the head gasket has been redone or torqued? That would be a good place to start. Going through and replacing any aged coolant/vacuum lines is a good idea too. Like the guys said, better to invest the money in to taking away as many possible failure points before moving forward. A stock car that runs will always be faster than one that's got performance parts up the ying yang but can't make it out of the garage ;)

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Supramania Contributor
Sep 30, 2005
Clearwater, MN
Machine head flat to <60 ra, MHG with ARP studs. 3" down pipe / exhaust, intake / filter, boost controller. See what to total comes to, then move on to the next stage. lexus AFM, 550's, up graded ct-26 w/ 57 trim, piggy back with some tuning

suprarx7nut author
Nov 10, 2006
92nsx;1689034 said:
Machine head flat to <60 ra, MHG with ARP studs. 3" down pipe / exhaust, intake / filter, boost controller. See what to total comes to, then move on to the next stage. lexus AFM, 550's, up graded ct-26 w/ 57 trim, piggy back with some tuning

Here ya go. I seriously doubt your car runs perfect in stock form. I say you're a fool for owning it less than a few months and modding it. If you REALLY think you've got a perfect motor then a quality exhaust and intake ALONE will put you near your budget. Then move to boost controller...etc. After market intercooler isn't needed until you're well beyond 300hp, exhaust however will be a limitation. ;)


New Member
Mar 15, 2011
crookston mn
well holy shit batman someone who thinks their 2 cents is worth a damn your an ass for even calling someone a fool how do you know its not from a collector who kept it in prestine condition or from someone who beat the hell out of it. YOU DONT, so dont be so damn rude. it was just a question you know you didnt get into the supra scene knowing everything about the car i know for a fact you had questions when you first started out so show some damn common sense ass.


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
mk3ifinallygotone;1689055 said:
well holy shit batman someone who thinks their 2 cents is worth a damn your an ass for even calling someone a fool how do you know its not from a collector who kept it in prestine condition or from someone who beat the hell out of it. YOU DONT, so dont be so damn rude. it was just a question you know you didnt get into the supra scene knowing everything about the car i know for a fact you had questions when you first started out so show some damn common sense ass.

Settle down sparky, even if it were a pristine collectors car it would still have all the standard Mk3/7M issues and this is what everyone is trying to help you avoid...

There are actually a couple of us that know a thing or two about your car of choice... :nono:


New Member
Feb 22, 2011
Appleton, WI
certainly making a good impression early on i see

id recommend looking on here for people selling used parts so you can get a better deal, also dont cheap out and buy a part just because its 50% cheaper than the good one


New Member
Mar 15, 2011
crookston mn
yeah i didnt say anything about you guys it was for him considering he said im a fool and all of that crap i simply asked about upgrades and yes i know enough about them to make sure it is in great running condition in order to mod or upgrade you guys helped me out alot but as far as him no need to call someone a fool when they know nothing about them or their car


New Member
Jun 27, 2010
Edmond, Oklahoma, United States
WHOW there killer!!! Everyone here is just trying to help ya out bro, Best listen to ij. Also man do all the mods ya want but if that motor hasn't been updated you'd better have some deeper pockets lol. I've got around 5gs in mine and its still just sitting in the driveway with no motor in it. Nobody here is out to screw ya but there are steps to fallow to doing it the right way man. If ya dont want to listen. 3inch exhaust, Lexus maf, apexi cone filter, 550 injectors,afpr, a apexi neo, a boost controller, and last but not least a wide band and hope ya don't blow it. Then a 57 trim turbo. All that should cost ya at the cheapest around3 grand.


Supramania Contributor
Jul 1, 2005
Newark, New Jersey, United States
mk3ifinallygotone: This is what you do

APEXi Intake ( $115.00
Intercooler piping kit: ( $145.00
Spearco Replica ( $198.00
3" Downpipe ( $199.00
3" Catback ( $360.00
3" Hi-Flow Cat from me $100.00

That is 1117 before shipping. With Shipping that is "about" $1500 bucks....

PS, if you take the time to look at the join date of everyone who posted besides GRIM with his modded one. I assure you none of ^ them are n00bs. They did not sign up March 2011, nor did this ask for an "upgrade" path. They have either all been there done that, or have taken the time to read what others have done. They are giving you their personal ideas of how they did it or of how others have done it. So don't get all jacked up on MT DUE and make an ass out of yourself. Because in this community (MKIII) only the strong survive!.

This car isn't for the faint of heart. This is not your typical honda civic, which you can go 6K over on an oil change, or beat to hell with out knowing its previous records. if you beat on a supra with no prior history be prepared to start making history with in and looking back at what you should have done instead of what you wanted to do right that second. A sound running and well maintained engine will survive much longer then one you personally have no clue what was done to it. (PROOF).

But i've given you the list of things you can do right off the bat, but be mindful, that with those upgrades you will be hitting boost cut which you can get around on with a LEX AFM, 550's, SAFC I/II/NEO, and a WIDEBAND. Which will run you an additional $700-1000 and you should be over 300 WHP as long as your clutch can hold it. If not add another $500+.
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New Member
Sep 24, 2010
Bay Area, CA
your right none of us know you but alot of these guys have had many mk3s over the years and the over all concern is that the engine may sound good but a 20+ year old are car wears with age and if you dont know what has been done to the car before its been in your care it doesnt hurt to make sure it wont BHG on you later down the line :)

suprarx7nut author
Nov 10, 2006
mk3ifinallygotone;1689055 said:
well holy shit batman someone who thinks their 2 cents is worth a damn your an ass for even calling someone a fool how do you know its not from a collector who kept it in prestine condition or from someone who beat the hell out of it. YOU DONT, so dont be so damn rude. it was just a question you know you didnt get into the supra scene knowing everything about the car i know for a fact you had questions when you first started out so show some damn common sense ass.

Oh my. Look, nothing personal against you. I dont know you or your car. I say ANYBODY who buys a 20 year old sports car and mods it first thing assuming all is well is a fool.

What compression numbers is the engine putting out?
What are all of your valve lash clearances?
What are your spark plugs gapped to and what type of plugs are they?
What is your true engine oil pressure? (NOT what the stock gauge says, but what does a good mechanical gauge say?)

These are all very basic. Have you done all these tests?

I'm also assuming a few things (shame on me for assuming, but please tell me if these are wrong):
-This is NOT going to be your Sunday track car
-This will be a mode of transportation (possibly even to work or school)
-You are NOT wealthy and do not have large sums of disposable income
-You would like the car to run and would like to avoid unexpected repairs

All I'm saying is that we see plenty of people come around that pick these cars up for a few grand and start throwing cash into it making it faster only to have the engine knock or BHG on them in 5 months. Then they are so frustrated that the car they just spent all this money on doesn't run or isn't "reliable". You have to be patient and smart, especially if you're new to the game. As was said earlier, this is no civic and the engine is NOT made to last if it's not very well cared for.

You just picked up the car, correct? You can't tell any of us it's pristine with zero problems this early. I dont want you to spend money on mods and end up pissed off when it hits a problem in 2 months and now you're short on cash and struggling to fix it the right way. The right way is never cheap. You'll spend more money on the basics than you will the mods if you're fixing it well.

Look, congrats on the car purchase. It's one of the best affordable sports cars out there and I love them to death. I've owned 3 and dont regret anything about any of them. It's a FANTASTIC car and you'll have a blast. I just dont want you to end up a couple grand in the hole with a broken mk3 worth less than what you paid for it.

You asked for help and you are getting it from a group of the most knowledgeable mk3 supra fanatics on the internet. Welcome and enjoy the car.


New Member
Mar 15, 2011
crookston mn
i wasnt trying to be rude look at my question all i needed was a response did i say any of you were NOOBS no i just wanted to ask a question and only a few decent responses i swear all it takes is one person to screw up a post my bad but anyways what ever i was just wanting some ideas and i got some thanks its kinda common sense to make sure sure your engine and main parts are in top working order thats why i said anyone have any suggestions on mods it doesnt mean i am going to buy a car and on the way home buy a band new turbo for it and maybe a new cat ohh and ose little sly good things u hang from your mirror lol i was just asking for help from people that have supras not for someone to call me a fool but guess no one sees where he did that its cool thanks for the help

---------- Post added at 02:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:03 AM ----------

yeah i undertsand where veryone is coming from with the engine stuff to tell you the truth i want to do this car right you know its not a honda civic where the motor is buy one get one free from walmart you know its a nice sports car thanks for the help sorry to be rude


Offical SM Expert: Turbochargers
SM Expert
Mar 31, 2005
Indy 500


The 7m is a great engine, but sucks ass direct from the factory.

It matters not if you got the car from a collector or the bone yard. A 7m is a 7m.

A 7m needs to be properly "adjusted" (read: head surfaced, block deck hand sanded or machined, arp hardware) to be worthy of any real horsepower mods or gains AND be even remotely reliable.

Possibly the word "fool" may have been harsh for you.

You coming here and telling some experienced mechanics that a stock 7m supra is "ready" for modifications is like me telling......

Well you get the point.

If it were me, and I had two grand to dump into a supra, fresh from the start, I would:

1.) Change all the fluids and greases (joints) in the vehicle EXCEPT for the engine fluids.
2A.) Have a reputable machine shop do all necessary head and deck work in preparation for a new head gasket and ARP hardware
2B.) Decide if I want to rebuild the 7m with a known engine machine shop that has proven their quality working on 7m Toyota engines OR drop in a 2jzgte swap.

Add some more money and you have...

3.) Intake & exhaust
4.) Fuel
5.) Tuning
6.) Bigger turbo charger

Enjoy your stay here on SM. :)