Plan B

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Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
I can't believe nobody in the OT crowd posted anything about this yet.

Plan B is emergency contraception, a backup method to birth control. It is in the form of two levonorgestrel pills (0.75 mg in each pill) that are taken by mouth after unprotected sex. Levonorgestrel is a synthetic hormone used in birth control pills for over 35 years. Plan B can reduce a woman’s risk of pregnancy when taken as directed if she has had unprotected sex. Plan B contains only progestin, levonorgestrel, a synthetic hormone used in birth control pills for over 35 years.

Plan B works like other birth control pills to prevent pregnancy. Plan B acts primarily by stopping the release of an egg from the ovary (ovulation). It may prevent the union of sperm and egg (fertilization). If fertilization does occur, Plan B may prevent a fertilized egg from attaching to the womb (implantation). If a fertilized egg is implanted prior to taking Plan B, Plan B will not work. It cannot perform an abortion... Get that through your heads before you say ANYTHING.

Until recently it was available only by prescription here in the US. Now it's available to anyone over 18 over the counter. It SHOULD be available to anyone, regardless of age. Anything that makes it harder for teenagers to avoid unintended pregnancy is bad medicine, bad public policy and downright fucking stupid.

However, this decision to at least get it out there, in my opinon one step in the right direction.

It seems the only opposition to this drug comes from conservative and christian groups.

I like to hear some VALID arguments against the sale of this pill. It's already scientifically proven as safe, so don't trot out the "I'm just protecting the women" bullshit. An unwanted child, and the risks involved in pregnancy alone trump that argument. And don't try the "My god says it's wrong" crap. If YOU believe that, YOU practice it, YOU teach it to YOUR children. There's no justification for pushing your religion down on everyone else.

Statistics have already shown that your absitinance bullshit doesn't work. 3 million unplanned pregnancies a year bear that fact out. This pill might safely half that number.

So tell me what could possibly outweigh the potential of preventing all those unwanted pregnancies?


237lbs. of Ballast
Jun 4, 2005
Tampa, FL
HAH! It's wrong because...because...*insert lame ideological rant here*

Hehe, I think it's good that there's a more readily available option for women. Of course, as I am not a woman I cannot comment on any direct experience with this drug; however I do know girls that have taken it and it made them feel like total shyt for a few days...but it was effective at preventing the pregnancy.

The only possible downside I can see to this would be if people fail to use this properly, like say take it a few weeks before birth...could endanger both the mother and the child's lives.

Other than that...+1 for less unwanted pregnancies!

Shytheed Dumas

For Sale
Mar 6, 2006
Louisville, KY
Value of human life, including ones you can't see yet is the only valid argument needed. Debate whether it's human life? You've got less proof that it's not life than the contrary, and I would be better off wrong than you in the end, so go ahead. The truth will be obvious one day. Continue to live irresponsibly. Pretend it doesn't hurt anybody. Then grow up. 'Nuff said.
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Supramania Contributor
LouKY said:
Value of human life, including ones you can't see yet is the only valid argument needed. Debate whether it's human life? You've got less proof that it's not life than the contrary, and I would be better off wrong than you in the end, so go ahead. The truth will be obvious one day. Continue to live irresponsibly. Pretend it doesn't hurt anybody. Then grow up. 'Nuff said.

So bringing more unwanted children into the world is a better idea? Before you think about bringing up adoption etc. look at the system. It's terrible and there are so many kids tthat need homes but can't get them.

There will always be a debate on how far after conception and egg starts forming a human but that isn't really a valid arguement either. Religious people like talk about how fast a sperm and an egg create a baby, one night is not a baby. God, for those of you who do believe in him, gave you a free will to do what you wanted. I am against things like late term abortions but a pill for one night after is a ridiculous thing to argue against.

Don't take it as me attacking you LouKY :)


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
LouKY said:
Continue to live irresponsibly. Pretend it doesn't hurt anybody. Then grow up. 'Nuff said.

You are a sanctimonious asshole aren't you?

People (especially kids/teenagers) make mistakes, accidents happen, rapes happen, condoms break, bad things happen to good people.

I hope like hell for your sake that if you ever make an error in judgement, the people around you act more "christian" than you do.

With modern cloning techniques, a very small amount of your DNA could be used to create a life. Does that mean everytime you kill a cell in your body you've commited murder? We're talking about microscopic cells dude...

91T breezen'

Apr 4, 2005
Supracentral said:
You are a sanctimonious asshole aren't you?

People (especially kids/teenagers) make mistakes, accidents happen, rapes happen, condoms break, bad things happen to good people.

I hope like hell for your sake that if you ever make an error in judgement, the people around you act more "christian" than you do.

With modern cloning techniques, a very small amount of your DNA could be used to create a life. Does that mean everytime you kill a cell in your body you've commited murder? We're talking about microscopic cells dude...
I might risk a "ban" for this one, but here I go.:rant:

Your first sentence back to Louky, is like the "pot calling the kettle black"! I agree with him 100%. This matter should be more about "personal responsibility" than irresponsible behaviour. As for rape cases, different matter. You cannot lump that into the "broken condoms" and "accidents happen" category. Raising children correctly, goes a long way towards making sure "unwanted" pregnancies don't happen. As to married couples that get pregnant earlier than maybe they had planned on, well, you just do the right thing, and bring the child into the world, and then raise them correctly.
As to the cloning thing. That has got to be the most assinine thing I've ever heard! Science will never clone human beings! It ain't gonna' happen, ever! You bleeding heart liberals are all the same! Government and science, has all the answers for everything. To that I say bullshit!!!
Acting "Christian'...sounds to me you don't have the slightest idea what that means!


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
91T breezen' said:
I might risk a "ban" for this one, but here I go.:rant:

Your first sentence back to Louky, is like the "pot calling the kettle black"! I agree with him 100%. This matter should be more about "personal responsibility" than irresponsible behaviour. As for rape cases, different matter. You cannot lump that into the "broken condoms" and "accidents happen" category. Raising children correctly, goes a long way towards making sure "unwanted" pregnancies don't happen. As to married couples that get pregnant earlier than maybe they had planned on, well, you just do the right thing, and bring the child into the world, and then raise them correctly.
As to the cloning thing. That has got to be the most assinine thing I've ever heard! Science will never clone human beings! It ain't gonna' happen, ever! You bleeding heart liberals are all the same! Government and science, has all the answers for everything. To that I say bullshit!!!
Acting "Christian'...sounds to me you don't have the slightest idea what that means!

I dont like these disscussions,
but, man.
Will clone itself.
Religion will faulter and fall apart, very few will still up hold it.
But mark my words, man will clone itself. Medical applications for clones are to impractical not to try it.

Plz dont say god has a plan, cause thats bullshit.


a.k.a: mittens
Mar 7, 2006
boise, idaho
Supracentral said:
You are a sanctimonious asshole aren't you?

People (especially kids/teenagers) make mistakes, accidents happen, rapes happen, condoms break, bad things happen to good people.

I hope like hell for your sake that if you ever make an error in judgement, the people around you act more "christian" than you do.

With modern cloning techniques, a very small amount of your DNA could be used to create a life. Does that mean everytime you kill a cell in your body you've commited murder? We're talking about microscopic cells dude...

i am in complete agreeance.

91T breezen'

Apr 4, 2005
D34DC311 said:
I dont like these disscussions,
Religion will faulter and fall apart, very few will still up hold it.
But mark my words, man will clone itself.

If you don't like them, then you should stay out of them! That's a simple fix!!:aigo: As to "religion" you mean "all religion", or just Christianity? You couldn't be further from the truth! You and I, will never see a human cloned! I'll get back to you on that one in about 20 years, when they're saying "we're right on the brink of it", again.
Ain't gonna' happen homie,:nono: I did not say some won't try.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
My opinion is, that it is happening in the womans body, therefore it is up to her what she wants to do with it or it is her choice.

91T breezen'

Apr 4, 2005
It appears to be another attempt at a de-valuement of human life justification. Lets see now. Who is it, that holds no value for humanity? Could it be the Islamo-Fascists?! The same ideology, that says it's noble to strap bombs on your children, and send them to their death?!!!
Abortion is murder! Plain and simple. Justify it, if you can.


Use your GUY instinct
Apr 6, 2005
Oceanside (for now), CA
What was plan A and why did it fail?

I don't think the morning after pill is all that bad of an idea. If only it could somehow be regulated so that just the people acting responsibly had access to it, it would be great. But I realize that's impossible. For those that choose to participate in reckless behavior and fail to consider any consequences, I have no remorse.

And to those of you that say what a woman does with her body is her own choice, ie: abortion, she already made the choice when she had unprotected sex. She was well aware of what could happen in the first place, she just chose not to concern herself with reality at the time.


Mar 31, 2005
Fort Campbell, KY
91T breezen' said:
It appears to be another attempt at a de-valuement of human life justification. Lets see now. Who is it, that holds no value for humanity? Could it be the Islamo-Fascists?! The same ideology, that says it's noble to strap bombs on your children, and send them to their death?!!!
Abortion is murder! Plain and simple. Justify it, if you can.

Well, that is a bit of an extreme comparison to me, but I see where you're going with your arguement....


Use your GUY instinct
Apr 6, 2005
Oceanside (for now), CA
Oh yeah, as if you all didn't realize it right away, I'm pro-life. Only in extreme cases, those of which being - but not limited to - rape and incest, I'm in favor of abortion at the earliest possible point.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
91T breezen' said:
I might risk a "ban" for this one, but here I go.:rant: !

You'd never get a ban for voicing an opinon. You know what it takes to get banned around here, and you are far from it...

91T breezen' said:
Your first sentence back to Louky, is like the "pot calling the kettle black"! I agree with him 100%. This matter should be more about "personal responsibility" than irresponsible behaviour. As for rape cases, different matter. You cannot lump that into the "broken condoms" and "accidents happen" category. Raising children correctly, goes a long way towards making sure "unwanted" pregnancies don't happen. As to married couples that get pregnant earlier than maybe they had planned on, well, you just do the right thing, and bring the child into the world, and then raise them correctly.

I don't insist anyone use this pill. I also don't insist anyone not use it. What I do insist on is the availabilty of the product and that poeple have the freedome to make a choice.

And that's EXACTLY why it's not the pot calling the kettle black. I don't want to force a course of action. Most of you folks do. You destroy liberty in the name of your god, your politics or you personal little moral prejudices. I want people to have choice. Make the pill 100% leagal to EVERYONE. If nobody takes it because they feel it's "wrong" it will go away. I'm not trying to make it "right", I'm trying to make it so people can make a choice.

91T breezen' said:
As to the cloning thing. That has got to be the most assinine thing I've ever heard! Science will never clone human beings! It ain't gonna' happen, ever!

This is not an insult, it's a statement of fact: You sir are a fool.

Do you often stick your fingers in your ears and yell "La La La"? The reality is that it will happen, likely sometime in the near future. Is it ethical to do so? Moral? Legal? I'm not even going to discuss it in this thread (feel free to start a new thread on that topic and I'll be glad to discuss it...). However it WILL happen. The science is already available. Someone will do it.

And again you were missing the point. Go back and READ what the pill does. It's NOT an abortion pill. The cloning example was to illustrate that you are discussing a couple of cells, not a human... It's an abstract. Try to keep up..

91T breezen' said:
You bleeding heart liberals are all the same!

Calling ME a liberal is laughable. Even Nick_M will tell you I'm far from liberal. But since I don't scream the 100% christian I'm a god fearin' Republican chant you assume I'm a whiney bedwetter... There are more than two sides to this debate my friend.

91T breezen' said:
Government and science, has all the answers for everything. To that I say bullshit!!!

No one said anything of the kind... Where do you get this stuff from?!?!?

91T breezen' said:
Acting "Christian'...sounds to me you don't have the slightest idea what that means!

Actually it sounds like you don't... Do unto others as you would have done unto yourself? Be exellent to each other? However you want to put it, the basic tennants of being "christian" are missed by most christians. They think being christian is trying to force the will of god onto others. And that's the one thing god has never asked for... As a matter of fact, free will was his requirement, as faith is worthless without choice...

Are your beliefs so weak and transparent that they cannot stand up? All choice must be removed so your "truth" can shine clearly? If your beliefs are that weak, I pity you. At least I think what I believe can withstand choice. Why do you fear choice so much?


Use your GUY instinct
Apr 6, 2005
Oceanside (for now), CA
Supracentral said:
You destroy liberty in the name of your god, your politics or you personal little moral prejudices. I want people to have choice.
Mike, I don't believe this issue has anything to do with religion. Many would like to make it seem that way, but it's more of an issue of morality.

Aside from the Plan B pill - because we all know this is a bigger issue - the question that must be raised is, "When is life created within a mother's womb?" Some like to use the term "fetus" to downplay the fact that it is indeed a human being's life - even at the earliest stage - that is at stake. I don't think, though, that this is a matter of opinion at all, rather one that is based on fact.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
SP 7M said:
Mike, I don't believe this issue has anything to do with religion. Many would like to make it seem that way, but it's more of an issue of morality.

In April 2003 Barr Pharmaceuticals submitted an application to the Food and Drug Administration requesting that Plan B be made available without a prescription and sold straight from the drugstore shelves, like condoms. The science and testing are sound. ALL of the other drugs approved by the commitee at that time have been released at this point. Not one of them has had an age restriction added unless there was medical evidence to support that restriction. There was no evidence such as that with this drug. However the only one with age restrictions is this drug, and that's a compromise to the fundies, 4 years later which, if you follow the statistics, is 12 million unwanted pregnancies later...

Young women are no closer to having easy access to Plan B, which prevents (Not aborts) an unplanned pregnancy if taken within seventy-two hours after unprotected intercourse. The FDA today simply refuses to issue a decision based upon science or fact. The 4 year delay, the 12 million unwanted pregnancies, and the present standoff are all a testament to the extraordinary influence of the Christian right over Bush Administration policy on women's reproductive health.

It should not be a religious issue, but it is, because the science, the facts, the medical evidence and statistics all show there's only one logical choice. Religion is the roadblock, as usual, to progress.

We've thrown science, logic and medicine out the window in favor of fear, ignorance and medival morailty.

91T breezen' said:
Abortion is murder!

And that's not what we are talking about. Go read up on what this pill does and try to stay on topic...


Use your GUY instinct
Apr 6, 2005
Oceanside (for now), CA
Supracentral said:
We've thrown science, logic and medicine out the window in favor of fear, ignorance and medival morailty.
I know that's true in some cases and it's a very sad thing.

Damn, there is so much I want to say, it's just one of those times when I can't put my thoughts into words. It'll come to me.

Good discussion here.
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