I am having a Local Machine Shop do my 7mgte rebuild and the guy in charge of my build was concerned about me boosting 13 pounds on a stock ring size gap. He recommended and said he wanted to go a little bigger on the Gap so that I would not run into problems later on. With that being said, I would love to have a spec sheet for the pistons I bought from Driftmotion but they dont come with one due to the fact that they are basically the same thing as oem factory pistons just 20 over... I ordered the machine shop to do oem specs on everything like recommended by Andy at driftmotion prior to the ring gap issue. My gut feeling says stick with oem specs on the ring size gap but the guy from the shop wants to go a little bit over. This is a well known shop, if not the best or one of the best in Houston. They have done tons of 7mgte's but they are also not a performance shop. When he asked how much I would be boosting his jaw dropped a bit as if it were a great number. So my question to yall who know more about this then I do is Do I stick to the oem gap? or Do I let the guy go a little over?. I do plan on going with a 57 trim and fuel upgrades in the future, My goal is a humble 350 hp to max 400 hp but I doubt any more then that since I want to keep my car reliable as possible for it will be my DD.
Thanks a million to all you guys who have read this.. Would really appriciate yalls opinions.
Thanks a million to all you guys who have read this.. Would really appriciate yalls opinions.