photochop these rims a dif color for me plz


Sad previous supra owner
Feb 27, 2006
Waupun, WI
I bought a set of rims a while back and tried polishing them but its way too much work in the tight spots so i think im gonna paint them instead. a buddy of mine just painted his truck frame and has leftover pre primer, primer and black paint, so i could do it for nothing unless i went with a different color. it all depends on how they would look i guess.
can someone photochop these on my car and paint them black, black with polished lip, black with red lip, and dark grey or gunmetal, maybe bronze.
this is the only pic of the rims i have right now so i'll post a pic of my car at an angle, hope it works, otherwise i can take new pics of them streight on if need be.
thanks in advance.

