personal life troubles


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
I feel compelled to point out that there is nothing wrong with sitting down with her and trying to nail down what it is that she wants out of life, either. Don't discuss it, just list out everything that you both want, hopes, dreams, the works.

When you are done with that, look at the lists and decide if they are compatible.

If they are, *then* decide if you want to try to pursue the same goals together.

I don't mind advocating support for a loved one if they are just going through a difficult time - I've both given and recieved in the same situation. The key is to make certain there is a relationship to salvage - if you want to continue, and she wants to walk away, or vice versa, then you obviously have irreconcilable differences.

I hate to suggest it, as I haven't had much success with it, (read, none at all) but professional councelling has helped some people I know. Being willing to attend counselling is usually a sign that both people want to make it work, too.

For the folks that think it's too much work - all relationships are work, the key is that you shouldn't mind doing the work, if you start to resent the work, the relationship has some obvious problems. :)

Good luck again.

PS: Trust me when I say that MANY of us know what this means to you, because many of us have been in your shoes. The sharp glittering edges may have worn off the memories by now, but they are still very much there.


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
GrimJack said:
For the folks that think it's too much work - all relationships are work, the key is that you shouldn't mind doing the work, if you start to resent the work, the relationship has some obvious problems. :)
Maybe it's my young age and just my being Naive, or whatever, but I don't think that a relationship that could lead to a successful marriage could come from a background of constant fighting. I Guess anything is possible, however. I know a couple who have been engaged for, I dunno, lets say 9-12 months, and all they do is fight. One minute they are together the next the wedding is off. 10 mins later it's back on, I know this isn't exactly the same thing, I think they are both just scared about getting married yadda yadda, but still. This brings their "morale" down, which makes them fight even more, which brings the morale down even further....
I dunno, maybe I just got lucky... But I for one wouldn't put up with the constant fighting and light-bulb relationships. There are too many great people out there to spend your life miserable.

And whoever said to put your heart in a fence or whatever, thats.... I dunno. If you're gonna go, go all out.


T-virus infected
I've known a few couples that dont mind argueing lol. seriously tho you and I both know there are people out there that just love to argue. They argue just to make up and thats what they say is the best. who knows. everyone works different i suppose.


Supramania Contributor
i want to find me a female who is a black belt in whatever, so she can kick my ass. that way, when we get pissed of at each other, we can take it to the ring and let the frustrations out with no lawful consequences :D you can call it consensual beatings. LOL!


Nov 18, 2005
Templeton, MA
This post actually helps me out alot. I'm pretty much going through the same problem. I was with my g/f for about 3 years off and on and then she got pregnant and told me it was mine but i had my doubts cause i knew how she was when we were off. Anyways she tells me that it may be mine but she is not going to have it cause she wants to go to college. So we get in a huge fight and dont talk for about 11 months.
So she calls me up and says that she has the baby and it's mine. SO of course that day i make time to go over and talk to her and figure things out. Now may i remind you that i'm only 18 but I have a full-time job and pay bills including rent, cell-phone upon other things. I say ok my mom is gonna want to see test results before anything happens. She says we will get a test just tell her we did and that its yours. So I tell my mom that we got one and blah blah blah.
SO now she has some new b/f that doesnt have a job and she always wnats me to take him after I get out of working a 10-12 hour shift so she can go out and play. She also does not have a job. So I try to help her out as much as I can and she just bitches abhout everything mostly about that in my spare time i'm down in her fathers shop working on the Supra.
So finally last night shit hit the fan and she said I can either leave thier lives for good or take her to court and fight for rights and shit. Her dad gets into it and sides with me cause she is being ridiculous. So she takes off crying and shit and I am confused as shit because she swears the baby is nmine but wont willingly go and take a test to prove it to me and give meself some self assurance. So I gave her a deal. She has till next tuesday to go willingly and take a test or I am leaving for good because if she doesnt take one to me that means that she is afraid that it is not mine and she says that it is embarrising to get a test for a woman. Does anyone see anything wronng with her view on this test thing and also does anyone dissagree with what I did cause her father agreed with me and I guess i am just lost and very confused.
SOrry for barging in on the post and stating my problems to but I figured that since its here I might as well ask. Any input for anybody would be appreciated and I would like to knwo if people think I was right or wrong.

KURT Please state what you think cuase I know that you understand what I'm going through and maybe can make some more since to what i said since your always around when shit hits the fan with her..

Again thanks guys and sorry for adding more personal problems to the puzzle


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
91SupraTurbo, your case is pretty simple.

Get the test done.

It doesn't have sweet bugger all to do with her, it's pretty obvious that she's the mother, I don't think she even has to be present for the test. Disclaimer - local rules and regulations may vary!

It's pretty cut and dried once you have the test results. By the sounds of things, you need to get the courts to award you legal guardianship until she grows up enough to share that responsibility.


Nov 18, 2005
Templeton, MA
The thing is I want to take test but she wont go willingly and I don't want to take her to court cause of time and money. Even though the court would order her to take the test no matter what. She also said that I will ahve to go to court to get visitation rights and shit. It is just getting out of hand and her dad agrees with me. He told me tonight that if i take her to court I will not be seeing him in the courtroom because of all the lying she has done to him through the whole thing and he is more on my side but he doenst want to break up the family so he will nto be in court at all.


Supramania Contributor
take her ass to court! god dammit! you don't even know if the kid is yours!

out of curiosity, how old are you man?

edit: nm, found out in your profile. now, how old is that bowel movement of yours? is she your age too? i was going to let you have it (cause god knows i love screaming at young parents about the decisions they make), but it's not going to help anything. next time, fucking pull out, or cum somewhere else. in her eye.
Last edited:


Nov 18, 2005
Templeton, MA
I'm 18 and she is 19. O yea I forgot to mention that her mother made her have the baby in the first place and her mother blames the whole situation on me cause we werent safe. Last time I checked it was 50/50 fault. Well we will c what happens i guess


Breaking In - in progress
Mar 30, 2005
Northern California
You are young...You have lots of year ahead of you and lots of
goals to accomplish. Do not let a girl who treats you like shit ruin your life.

It is clear that this girl does not love you otherwise she would not be running around and dating other guys.

It is clear that she is unwilling to compromise and find a solution to your problems. It is obvious that she does not want to take a DNA test becuase she fears that the baby is not yours...Only she knows if she slept with other do not know...The only way you will know is to find a way to get her to take the DNA test. If you have no choice, then take her to court.
I am sure there are some organisations that could talk to her and convince her to take the test. Ask around.

Remember most women are sly...Men are stronger than women but women have a more cunning mind...A beautiful woman can bring the strongest fighter or very wealthy or successful man down to his knees. Women will cry to show everybody that she is hurting and would want everyone's sympathy. That is her way of getting what she wants.

You will need to be a real man here. Suck up all the pain and do what you have to do.

1/. Find a way to get her to do the DNA test....
2/. And if you find out that the child is not yours...walk away...
Walk over that bridge and burn the bridge...cut the link to her and focus on your life and what you want.

If you do not do what you have to do, your misery will keep on going on
and will halt your life even more.

Remember in love, there is no mistakes....once a woman cheats she is out.
No 3 strikes and out shit.
It is always better to find a woman who loves you more than you love her. That way you know you have her on check and she will keep not get bored of you.
Remember in the game of love, you need to know the rules. If you dont
women will walk all over you.



7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
91SupraTurbo said:
She has till next tuesday to go willingly and take a test or I am leaving for good because if she doesnt take one to me that means that she is afraid that it is not mine and she says that it is embarrising to get a test for a woman. Does anyone see anything wronng with her view on this test thing and also does anyone dissagree with what I did cause her father agreed with me and I guess i am just lost and very confused.

Do you know what I had to do for a DNA test? I had to swab a piece of cotton on the inside of my mouth, between my teeth and my cheek. That's IT. There's nothing embarassing about it. Some places will take a hair/folicle, some might do blood. Either way, it's easy and not embarassing.
What IS embarassing is being a guy that everyone knows:
1 - A girl messed around on you [watch "Me, Myself, and Irene"]
2 - Has a kid and THINKS that it's theirs, but it obviously isn't
3 - Is a nice guy being manipulated

Don't be a puppet. Don't be a fool. Don't let her cry to get her way - she's manipulating you, and if you let her do it now she will continue to do it over years as a learned behavior.
Don't let embarassment get in the way. If she's a woman, she's done more embarassing things at the doctor's office than a goddamned DNA test.


Breaking In - in progress
Mar 30, 2005
Northern California
If you have to, find a cunning way to trick her into getting a DNA test.
Not being mean but it needs to be done.



I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
^^ there you go, or hell go visit him and get the doctors to give you one of those swabs with a plastic container and get some DNA, problem almost solved.


Nov 18, 2005
Templeton, MA
YEa i told her all they do is take a swab of saliva and shes like i dont care i'm not doing it. She says that its embarrsing for a woman to take a test . Yet all the girls I talked to say that they would do it in a heartbeat if they were so animate like she is being about me being the father. Anyways we'll see how it goes and i will let u know.