So, I bought a PPC-6700, absolutly HATE IT, but I'm stuck with it.
My email is registered on there for life, seriously, it's always logged in. I snapped a few pics with it that I need sent to my email address..
Problem is; the email on my phone is the same as my email on my computer so it's pretty much impossible for me to send them to myself, save them to my computer, and upload them through photobucket.
I tried using photobucket from my phone to upload them driectly outta the PDA, no luck. It won't send the pics to myself or anyone. The only option it gives me is to send them by email or outlook express in which I don't have outlook express..
Any ideas?
I'm stumped.
I need to post some pics of my CT here for some advise, thats why I need to learn what I'm doing wrong or haven't done
My email is registered on there for life, seriously, it's always logged in. I snapped a few pics with it that I need sent to my email address..
Problem is; the email on my phone is the same as my email on my computer so it's pretty much impossible for me to send them to myself, save them to my computer, and upload them through photobucket.
I tried using photobucket from my phone to upload them driectly outta the PDA, no luck. It won't send the pics to myself or anyone. The only option it gives me is to send them by email or outlook express in which I don't have outlook express..
Any ideas?
I'm stumped.
I need to post some pics of my CT here for some advise, thats why I need to learn what I'm doing wrong or haven't done