i know i dont post hardly at all on here but i just had to vent this and get it off my chest. i go to order used engine from osaka today and i wanted to make sure that they had one instock so first thing i do is call them up. we the guy i talk to said that they had them instock and it was going to be $1050 with shipping. so i go and put money in the bank and i call them up when i get home. the guy i get on the phone tells me that they dont have that engine instock right now and seemed like he was in a hurry to get me off the phone. i was thinking how could they go through that many orders in a few hours. well my gurlfirend calls them back not 5 mins latter and the guy she got on the phone said that they were instock and orderd it for me right there and it was only going to be $1000 after shipping. i just dont get what the hell some of these place are thinking sometimes. why would someone not want to sell a product that is just laying around waiting to be sold.my advice is if you get someone like that when you order stuff just ahve you gurlyfriend call back and flash her tits around cause sometimes that is the only way stuff gets done sometimes.