Figured I would cross-post for those who don't venture to SF much....
2jzMK3;5160470 said:Ok, well its time again.. This year the Orlando supra meet will be held at Titan Motorsports again.
Saturday June 30th
So you thought you were fast? come prove it and beat the fastest street supras in the country!
Sponsored in part by BMPC ( - DT Performance & Wheels)
Guys here is the information for the track as it comes in, I have taken the time to help Sean Titan with this portion of the event, and I assure you it will be fun, safe, and the best drag experience the supra community has ever seen!
Time will be 3pm-8pm track opens at 2...
There will be NO trophies, we are thinking about some sort of a small "prize" for those cars who win but we don't feel that aluminum $15 trophies do anything other than create bitching and whining from those who don’t win them. There will be no whining about classes this way and it will be an evenly played field.
We will have the track EXCLUSIVE to us, THATS RIGHT, only cars running at the track will be those that attend the event, no outsiders, no penults breaking down etc. I have been in negotiations with the general manager at Bradenton in order to make this happen. They expect 50 cars racing, and that is the number I'm aiming for. It’s not going to be just for Supras to run, as we welcome diversity, and it’s a lot more fun to beat other cars than some of the ones of our own community. But if you are bringing something OTHER than a supra you better make sure its ready to run with the fastest street Supras in the country!
At the track we will be able to run freely and at the end of the day the fastest classes will be categorized as follow: (all are based on E.T)
MK4 (stock twins)
MK4 (Single Turbo)
Swapped MK3
7M MK3
Overall fastest Car at the meet
Lexus's - Tacomas etc will have a class depending on volume to be announced.
There will be NO transmission restriction, or Nitrous restrictions, NO tire restrictions so before anyone starts complaining get your juice installed as the main goal here is to see records get broken, that means RUN WHAT YOU BRUNG!
As of right now there is not "unlimited class" since there is not enough race cars participating to my knowledge. This could change.
This event will be held at the favorite race track in FL, to most drag racers Bradenton which have been very patient to help make this happen.
Here is the Track information Please note that this information can change so please check this post often for updates...All updates will be labeled and done on this original post.
Cost is $50 per car & driver with a 50 car minimum.
All spectators pay $10.
11 & under kids are free.
Date will be Saturday June 30th
Gate open 9am, track open 10am to 3pm.
So get off your lazy asses and get your cars ready for this. No excuses. Georgia, NC, SC, we expect you to attend and show us Floridians that the the fastest Supras in the east are NOT in FL (YEA RIGHT LOL)
Sunday July 1st
Dyno Day: (sponsored by: Titan Motorsports / F and H Performance ) I will try to set something up where the cars aren't separated, but it will be inevitable that we do. i need a minimum of 20 cars, if there will be a 1jz class, then i need at least 4-5 to make it fun.
HIGHEST HP 2JZ (1.5JZ If any dyno)
HIGHEST HP OVERALL (Highest HP Car of the day doesn't have to be a Supra)
I will have trophies for the dyno. depending on the responses.
For the Dyno you will have 2 pulls with a 5-10 minute cool down between runs.
No trophies for the track, but i think bragging right will be enough..
Again, I will need to get a Soild 20 people for the dyno, so you guys get those cars ready, probably in the next few weeks i will figure out how much dyno pulls will be. so check back at the end of the week..
Dyno Day:
Victor Mk3 (F&H) (7m)
Sean Mk3 (2jz)
Denny mk3 (7m)
Tissimo mk3 (2jz)
Kirk mk4
Wes mk4
pheobo mk4
everton mk4
Frank mk4
BoostedFloto MK3 (7m)
Doug mk4
Omar Mk4
Darin mk4
Jessica Mk4
Mdeniz sc300
Sean Mk3 (2jzmk3)
Rich MK4 (uask4it)
Victor mk3 (F&H)
Denny mk3 (DR bowser3)
Vijay mk4 (racegate)
Mike mk4 (toyota terrorist)
Dave hyabusa (rx7treme)
Russ Vette (zoomz)
Alfred mk4 (30psiblk)
Luis mk4 (speed)
Mike mk4 (nuneztt)
pheobo mk4
Justin mk4 (justin G)
408 East/West or I4 East Quickest Way From 408 East/West (I4 you take 408 East bound - route to take if coming from Disney/Tampa area) take Goldenrod Rd. Exit and head North. At Goldenrod Rd. and Colonial/50 take a Left onto Colonial heading West. There is a McDonalds on your immediate Right. The easiest way to get to our facility is go go into the McDonalds Parking lot there will be an access road at the back of the parking lot. Take this road. There are trees to either side of the road. This road curves 90 degrees to the right. You will go around this turn. Our building is on your immediate Left. There is a sign on the building as appears below.
417 North/South or I4 East Quickest Way 417 North/South (I4 you can take 417 South bound - route to take if coming from Daytona) take the Colonial/state rd 50 Exit and head West. At Colonial and Goldenrod Rd. is the McDonalds. Right past Goldenrod Rd. on your immediate Right you go into the McDonalds parking lot. The easiest way to get to our facility is go go into the McDonalds Parking lot there will be an access road at the back of the parking lot. Take this road. There are trees to either side of the road. This road curves 90 degrees to the right. You will go around this turn. Our building is on your immediate Left. There is a sign on the building as appears below.
From I4 West Bound- Take the Amelia Rd./St Rd. 50 Exit when entering downtown Orlando. You will go straight through the firt light and go around a few curves. At the end take a right onto Colonial Dr. Go straight about 5 miles and you will cross a big intersection St Rd. 436 also known as Semoran Blvd. Keep going straight about 2 more lights and you will take a U-turn at Goldenrod Rd. At the intersection of Goldenrod Rd and Colonial (st rd 50) there will be a McDonalds. The easiest way to get to our facility is go go into the McDonalds Parking lot there will be an access road at the back of the parking lot. Take this road. There are trees to either side of the road. This road curves 90 degrees to the right. You will go around this turn. Our building is on your immediate Left. There is a sign on the building as appears below.
From I4 East Bound- Take the Colonial/St Rd. 50 Exit. Take a Left when you get off the on-ramp onto Colonial. Go straight about 5 miles and you will cross a big intersection St Rd. 436 also known as Semoran Blvd. Keep going straight about 2 more lights and you will take a U-turn at Goldenrod Rd. At the intersection of Goldenrod Rd and Colonial (st rd 50) there will be a McDonalds. The easiest way to get to our facility is go go into the McDonalds Parking lot there will be an access road at the back of the parking lot. Take this road. There are trees to either side of the road. This road curves 90 degrees to the right. You will go around this turn. Our building is on your immediate Left.
From Airport- Take 528 East, the first exit will be Goldenrod Rd. Take Goldenrod Rd North for approximately 10 miles. When you pass over Colonial/St Rd 50 take the first left follow the McDonalds sign. We're the first building on your right. -MDeniz
Titan Motorsports
1714 N. Goldenrod Rd.
Bld A, Suite 2
Orlando, FL 32807
Hotels Close by Titan Motorpsorts