lintlars said:Look good let us know how it fits what did you end up paying for shipping to Canada on that?
Reign_Maker said:Holy shovel diggin batman! But yeah, good point: any news on this? I just picked up a new carpet set... Fronts and hatch... I cant wait to install it..
2nded!futeki_supra said:how are you guys dying you dash and stuff?
2 questions. First, did you order the mass backing as well? And second, how the hell did you get free shipping?!?!?! :icon_confSuprastic said:hey guys,
I know the price of the carpet i got was cheap, however the way it installed looked that way to. The company "Stock Interiors" made the carpet way too stiff and added too heavy of a jute to the back. This caused the carpet to not fit the lower edges around the floor pan to fit properly. Since jute was soo heavy (40oz jute) the passenger seat is more difficult to slide forward and back since it rubs along the carpet on the tranny tunnel and the side sills have a hard time fitting on properly. On the plus side the 40oz jut combined with the sound deadener makes fora very quiet ride.
Hence why I just MIGHT make the whole thing by myself with a friend......Suprastic said:I didnt order the mass backing or anything special. I just ordered the "stock" carpet figuratively speaking. How i got free shipping, i dunno luck. LOL. For you it might be harder since your in peurto rico.
Inygknok said:Hence why I just MIGHT make the whole thing by myself with a friend......
I need a morale boost first :1zhelp: :biglaugh:Suprastic said:I wish i did. I think you should at least try
Good luck and post pics
projectsupra said:I paid less than $125 shipped for mine from StockInteriors, fits great. It's all in how good you make it fit, I even stapled the green rails back on correctly.