Oral Interview Question (and I don't mean Bill Clinton Style)


Offical SM Expert: Turbochargers
SM Expert
Mar 31, 2005
Indy 500
Well, Im thinking about trying out for the local PD again.


Theres one question the Oral Interview...

"Tell us about your strengths and weaknesses."

The problem is, I have no idea the answer to this question.

It's kind of sad - I should know every thing about me.

But the truth is, I don't.

Last interview, I literally froze like a deer in headlights. My pulse raced, I started to sweat, the room started to cave in, and I started to get dizzy.

Needless to say, I BOMBED THE MOTHER FUGGIN QUESTION like a giant ditz.

So please guys and gals -

What are some CHARACTER traits that you could list for this question?


I am the Super Devil
Jun 22, 2005
Mississauga, Ontario
Too Honest - I tell things straight as it is. Some people get might call me a jerk sometimes, but this saves me time, and my employers from wasted workplace productivity.
Too Proud - I love doing what i do, who i am, and where i am from. Sometimes, people think that it's a problem because i take pride in every stride that i take, and perhaps see this as arrogance. It is not arrogance, but it is the fact that i love life!
Too friendly - I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt, but sometimes it has hurt me because everyone can wear a mask some times.
Too Organized - Sometimes, people do not like to be planned, and like to go with the flow. I like to observe, give my self time to think and effectively attack a problem with precision. But that doesn't mean if something doesn't go my way i go into a fit, it means that when it does, i am prepared for it.
Too Serious - Work is work. Work can be fun as well, but there is limitations to how much you should have at work, where it becomes a distraction from your original duties. I can have fun and take a joke, but at work, i like to be productive and focused.
point of negatives is to take something and make a positive twist on it.


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
Sure. Too organized is the obsessive compulsive guy - people who count every time they chew, or rub their hands exactly the same number of times when washing, etc. This type of person is really useful for some types of work, just not the kind of work you are looking for!

Too serious is the guy who can't sit back and relax with coworkers off shift.

I'd add detail oriented to your list of strengths.

Another thing... you need to come up with an example of how each is a strength, and each is a weakness, based on your personal experience. Every time someone asks you a question in one of these, it's an opportunity to sell yourself to them, treat it as such.

So you'll list, say, detail oriented as a strength. The interviewer will ask, can you explain why you think this is a strength. You'll say, well, last summer I ran into a prospective customer at a car show, but I'd run out of business cards, so I wrote down his email address on a piece of paper. When he was giving it to me, I read it back to him to make certain I had the information correct - and I didn't, actually, so it's a good think I did, because after I emailed him I sold him $5k worth of Turbo kit for his car.

When talking about weaknesses, explain a LOW-IMPACT incident where the weakness bit you, and explain the steps that you take to minimize the chance of this happening again.


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
PS: Team oriented for sure. Lots of places will ask if you would rather work alone or as part of a team, I have yet to see a position where the right answer is alone. Maybe international spy or something! :D


New Member
Mar 21, 2006
Duluth, MN
Perfectionism is a good one as it can go either way.


In your mind, relate your positives/negative to your automotive work. As you run a business and from what I hear are very good at what you do you should have no problem finding traits about yourself that could be reflected positively or negatively through your work.

Start by pinpointing your traits in general. Not negatively or positively, just your traits in general. From there examine the extent to which you obsess over them or rely on them. Most traits can be put in a positive or negative light solely based upon the extent to which you exhibit them.

And dont stress out too damn much over a single question like this. As long as your qualified for the job, the sum of your character and how you compose yourself during the interview will make more of an impression then any single question ever will.


I am the Super Devil
Jun 22, 2005
Mississauga, Ontario
Well tell us about yourself.
I am asking this like an interviewer. It might sound like i'm hitting on you, but i'm not. Well it can be both. Sometimes neither.

aye mate

Hiatus over.
Mar 30, 2005
haha this question was part of my interview for the Fire Dept. What I did was asked people at my old job, my family and my girlfriend. I got some good answers from them.


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
Well, what are your strengths and weaknesses? You're not under the microscope here. What is it about yourself that you'd like to improve? What is it about yourself that you like? What are you good at? If you're a patient person tell them that. If you believe you're an honest person and no one could every question your integrity, tell them that. Be cautious of overdoing it, you don't want them throwing a BS flag out there. When I interviewed for DFW DPS I told them I was compassionate, decisive, worked well under pressure and was a team player who looked out for my partners. I also told them I was a bad procrastinator and I didn't manage my personal time well. Get a pen and paper out and do a gut check. What do you think are your redeeming qualities, and what needs work? Hope this helped.

BTW, if they see that deer in the headlights looks they will tear you up. Be confident and look them all in the eyes when you talk to them and don't back down from your answers even if they question them. Doing so proves your easily intimidated and can be manipulated.


Offical SM Expert: Turbochargers
SM Expert
Mar 31, 2005
Indy 500
Random thoughts:

Hates to talk about him self.
Mechanically inclined
Steel & Metal love me
I can weld
Reserved with my feelings towards others
I speak loudly, and carry a bigger stick
Im mechanicall inclined
I can shoot a pistol - very well.
I can shoot a rifle - very well.
I can take both pistol and rifle apart and inspect, clean and re-assemble them.
I pay attention to detail.
I make lists when Im under pressure to get the job done and so I have a direction.
Im a giant multitasker.
I procrastinate
I don't mind confrontation, but will negotiate to disarm a situation.
I drive the shit out of a car (Ive litterally driven the wheels off a race car)
Im fit
Im a quick learner
Im a hands on learner
I know computers/windows/word/excel/html/sgml
I can type 60 wpm or faster
I like to do research on something before I jump into it
Im straight
Im healthy
I work out
I pay attention to what I eat
I take pride in working for the things I have
Im not careless with my money

Ok - my brain is randomed out. Its 12am, and 6am comes dam early.

I'll think of more later today....


Oct 28, 2005
Sanford, FL
They don't really care about the answer but the confidence you show on yourself.
Think about that for a minute.
Then think about this one; I have never met a cop that wasn't on a power trip or full of him/herself.

The whole point of the oral interview is to test your presence. Just remember one thing, never provide answers that can be construed as 'negatives', you should always speak in 'positives'.


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
MDCmotorsports;967943 said:
Random thoughts:

Hates to talk about him self.
Mechanically inclined
Steel & Metal love me
I can weld
Reserved with my feelings towards others
I speak loudly, and carry a bigger stick
Im mechanicall inclined
I can shoot a pistol - very well.
I can shoot a rifle - very well.
I can take both pistol and rifle apart and inspect, clean and re-assemble them.
I pay attention to detail.
I make lists when Im under pressure to get the job done and so I have a direction.
Im a giant multitasker.
I procrastinate
I don't mind confrontation, but will negotiate to disarm a situation.
I drive the shit out of a car (Ive litterally driven the wheels off a race car)
Im fit
Im a quick learner
Im a hands on learner
I know computers/windows/word/excel/html/sgml
I can type 60 wpm or faster
I like to do research on something before I jump into it
Im straight
Im healthy
I work out
I pay attention to what I eat
I take pride in working for the things I have
Im not careless with my money

Ok - my brain is randomed out. Its 12am, and 6am comes dam early.

I'll think of more later today....

In this politically correct world we live in now, I'd delete that "I'm Straight" part. Although, telling them you're a flamer might get you hired!:biglaugh:


Offical SM Expert: Turbochargers
SM Expert
Mar 31, 2005
Indy 500
gtsfirefighter;967983 said:
In this politically correct world we live in now, I'd delete that "I'm Straight" part. Although, telling them you're a flamer might get you hired!:biglaugh:

Was putting out random thoughts as they popped into my head....

romaniello said:
Ive never met a cop who wasn't on a power trip of full of himself...

See, thats part of my problem. I want to become a DARE officer, and get involved with the youth, the schools, and the kids.

I want to be respected, but not feared. You know? Maybe I just don't have enough cocky ass hole in my character?