I've got to add a sad update to this thread. Couple of years ago I had my 88 Supra swapped to a manual. Well, I hated it and put the auto back in. While doing so I bought a new Toyota center bearing for the driveshaft and had a shop install it and balance the shaft as well as put new u-joints on it. After it was all said and done, I had it back together and was driving it into town for a test drive and to get something to eat. It drove the smoothest it ever had...until I began to hear a knock sound and feel something in the floor. I slowed down and it went away. I sped up a little and it came back and then all of a sudden it sounded like the car was coming apart and it would no longer accelerate. I pulled over and crawled up under as far as I could to grab the driveshaft and it had come apart. I had the car towed home and immediately jacked it up to see wtf had happened. I pull the shaft out, in two pieces. The shop did not indent that nut that holds the hub that goes through the bearing. Any way, I took it back quite angrily and they were very apologetic and said they'd fix it, in which they did-ish. I also had to replace the output shaft seal on the transmission because it got chewed up. I put the shaft back in the car and took it for a test drive and it was awful. It had the worst harmonic vibration in the car. I just turned around and went home and parked, looked at it and said " we need a break. I just can't with you right now ". I am positive that when the shaft came apart it ruined the brand new center bearing. So I walked away from for about two weeks. After that I decided that I better start it to keep the battery up. Well, all it would do was just crank and I noticed the tach was not bumping. Of course my CPS wiring was a little sketchy so I thought I'd pop the hood, wiggle the wires and it would crank, like it always would. Well...I found a huge rats nest on top of the engine. Fuck! I rolled in down to my shop and started working on trying to find what got chewed. I noticed the CPS wires were about to just break off so I spliced in a plug from a spare harness I had. Still nothing. This is February 2022 in North Texas. Cold and miserable. I was going to be going out of town so I left it parked in front of the shop figuring I'd mess with it later when I got back the next week. Well I'm in Indiana, visiting my Aunt when my sister calls and tells me that there was bad storm and it had hailed. Hail in February is very very unusual. I asked if she would go check out my house the next and she did only to tell me that the Supra was hit very hard. It has dents all over it, broke a mirror off and such. No broken glass though. Not little dents either. We had baseball size hail. The car was totaled.
I decided to not claim it because I didn't want to risk Hagerty to dropping me and I wanted to keep the car in case I found a shell.
Well after a few months I just said fuck it and decided I'd try to get it running and sell it as is. I never did. Then I decided to not try and buy another Supra because I was done. This car has caused me so much heartache over the past ten years.
Well this past December, a local friend who also has a supra, sent me a link for one for sale in Austin. I was pissed. I didn't ever want another supra.
I called the guy, drove 4 hours down to Austin and well, let's just say, I rented a U-haul car hauler and brought it back it with me.

The blue 88 will now just be an organ donor. I have already robbed parts off of it. I may make another thread featuring that car.
It's an 87 NA auto. Black with tan interior. It's pretty nice and I will eventually swap my GTE into it once I get another harness built for it.