Well it's bolted back up to the car. I got pretty worried before I let it down off the jacks about how high it was going to sit because the new subframe bushings looked a lot thicker that the originals from it. That on top of putting some stock 90 springs on there. Well it did sit really high. High enough I thought "screw that" and was about to put the other springs back on it but decided to wait and little everything settle a bit. I checked it again about 6 hours later and it has settled about a 1/4 of an inch. Tomorrow I hope to find it down a little more. I've got to schedule a wheel alignment soon before I attempt to do anything else.
They seem to create more space between the car and frame than it looked liked before. It may just be in my head. Wished I had taken some before and after pics.
Here it is complete and ready to go back on the car.

And here's how it looked about ten minutes after it came off the jacks and settled a little. Scary

I'll put up some pics after it aligned and hopefully settled some more.
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